The Collective Intelligence Design Playbook, created by Nesta, offers a wide range of tools, tactics and methods to engage collective intelligence to solve societal challenges. Through practical instructions and case studies, the Playbook presents ways to orchestrate diverse groups of people, data and technology.
It is designed to be applied by teams or groups and features an introduction to help users understand the scope and potential of collective intelligence, practical guidance to sustain the design of projects and case studies to illustrate and inspire action (answering to the "why? what? how? and so what?" of each case).
The tools, tactics and activities are presented to answer specific challenges (e.g. "Define Challenge", "Mobilise People" or "Create Change") and are accompanied by worksheets, cards and other materials to enable their application on the ground. Useful resources are added to illustrate cases, techniques and tools for "collective intelligence design", as Nesta calls its approach. The toolkit also offers a video introduction to collective intelligence and the overall Playbook.
Link to toolkit