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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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This website, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
vCity is a human-centric platform for urban digital twins, with the goal of improving life quality within the city by assisting urban planners make evidence-driven urban decisions. vCity's innovative approach combines 1) simulation by designing virtual replicas of the cities, 2) what-if scenario tools in urban planning and 3) getting the "pulse" of the city from digital platforms for citizen participation.
The study integrates Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, and a digital twin methodology to process and interpret urban data streams derived from citizen interactions with the city's coordinate-based problem mapping platform. Using an interactive GeoDataFrame within the digital twin methodology, dynamic entities facilitate simulations based on various scenarios, allowing users to visualize, analyze, and predict the response of the urban system at
SignAvatar's long-term vision is to enable real-time sign language generation, opening doors to multiple applications such as TV, Social Media, Video calls, Online courses, and many applications in the public sector. Our first product is TransportSign, a system for auto-generated service information in Sign Language for Airports and Train Stations. By transforming audible announcements and on-screen text into SL, we enable more than 460 Million Deaf individuals around the world to travel freely
The Organismo Supervisor de las Contrataciones del Estado (OSCE) supervises public procurement, ensuring integrity and efficiency. Its Portal de Contrataciones Abiertas de la Compra Pública plays a crucial role, improving transparency with international standards. By implementing the Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS), it provides detailed access, benefiting entities, suppliers, citizens and civil society.
Smart shelter Seongdong District’s smart shelter applies smart technologies to the bus stop to provide not only real-time traffic information but also 18 useful services, including public Wi-Fi and phone charging. Smart crosswalk Seongdong District’s smart crosswalk uses cutting-edge technologies (in-ground traffic light, pedestrian traffic light, voice guidance, etc.) to prevent accidents caused by pedestrians using smart phones while walking and protect children and seniors.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), a component of the United States’ Federal Government, has fully reimagined its website to make applying for disaster assistance faster than ever. This change will reduce time burdens for survivors post-disaster, when they are in greatest need and the most overwhelmed. This effort has been built on decades of feedback from disaster survivors and is expected to reduce the registration time by more than 15%.
Thematic Innovation Clinic was implemented to encourage and increase number and quality of innovations in Pontianak City. This program succeeded in increasing the number of innovations within the Pontianak City Government to 165 innovations in 2022, and to 196 innovations in 2023. With a design thinking approach, the innovation clinic increases the number of innovations, fosters the spirit and culture of innovation, and cross-party collaboration to deliver optimal public services to community.
The Government of Canada is experimenting writing existing laws and proposed regulations into code. Encoding rules allows us to run legal simulations in the regulatory drafting room, which helps us detect ambiguities, loopholes, and gaps in the rules that often go unnoticed. However, existing tools designed by and for programmers are not intuitive for rule-makers. In response, we set out to develop one – an open-source Rules as Code tool called Blawx.
Zaragoza City Council has launched a new electronic citizen participation platform with the aim of involving its citizens in public policy decisions and in the design of its services. It provides an interactive space for residents to actively contribute, strengthening the collaboration between the administration and the community, thus fostering a more inclusive and transparent management.
Baia Mare has developed a community-driven approach to decontaminate heavy metal-polluted land using plants, addressing a critical public health issue. The project combines phytoremediation, smart mapping technology, and a digital reward system to encourage environmental action and sustainable development. This innovative model empowers citizens, improves urban health, and creates new green economic opportunities.