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Translating global sustainable development goals into concrete actions for systemic change remains one of the greatest challenges of our times, requiring changes in the structures of the sociotechnical systems that define our world. Value Network Mapping helps in getting a grip on the structure of these sub-systems and enables users to identify together intervention points that make sustainability transitions happen. The method helps users co-create such changes, while balancing individual needs with wider ambitions. These maps take into account social, environmental and economic conditions for implementing and scaling up such changes, allowing broad goals to evolve from a shared vision to a common practice.

The author suggests using Value Network Maps when conventional structures can no longer be relied on. By making explicit the current roles and relations within a system, users can scrutinise both the system’s components and its organisation, and so help people reorganise themselves sustainably.

This publication explains Value Network Mapping and makes the case for its use. It includes step-by-step guidance, hands-on templates and canvases, and tips and tricks for facilitators. The resource has been developed through a collaboration between VITO Nexus and EIT Climate-KIC. The website includes a demonstration video.

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