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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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UAsk, born from the need for seamless access to government services in the UAE, is an AI-powered chatbot transforming citizen engagement. Serving residents, businesses, and visitors, it leverages generative AI, particularly ChatGPT, for real-time, multilingual, and reliable information. Its innovation lies in delivering an inclusive, user-centric, and efficient digital experience, revolutionizing interactions with diverse government services within the digital governance realm.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

UAsk emerges as a transformative solution to the persistent challenge of fragmented access to essential government information and services in the UAE. This AI-driven chatbot, seamlessly integrated into the U.AE platform, harnesses the power of generative AI, specifically ChatGPT, to redefine user interactions. With a focus on real-time, multilingual assistance, UAsk is designed to create a unified, efficient, and inclusive digital interface that addresses the diverse needs of citizens, businesses, and visitors.

At its core, UAsk aims to enhance accessibility, improve user satisfaction, and establish a centralized hub for a myriad of government services. Through continuous iterations, it has evolved to offer comprehensive coverage, leveraging the predictive intelligence feature to recommend the next question based on user input. UAsk's context awareness ensures a more human-like interaction, responding in a manner that aligns with the ongoing conversation, and utilizing user behavior for personalized recommendations.

The innovation's journey began with the recognition of limitations in the initial chatbot, leading to a substantial upgrade in 2023, incorporating generative AI capabilities. Subsequent iterations introduced advanced features like location-based personalization, multilingual proficiency, and voice command integration. UAsk draws inspiration from global advancements in AI-based government services and continuously adapts to market needs, positioning itself as a leader in digital governance.

Looking ahead, UAsk envisions institutionalization as a fundamental component of the UAE's digital government services, contributing significantly to the ambitious 'We the UAE 2031' vision. The roadmap includes scalability initiatives to reach more users and explorations into integration with platforms like WhatsApp. UAsk's success metrics, marked by a substantial surge in user engagement and satisfaction, underscore its transformative impact and pivotal role in shaping the future of digital governance in the UAE.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

U-Ask represents a paradigm shift in digital governance, setting itself apart through a multifaceted approach that surpasses traditional chatbots. Unlike its predecessors, U-Ask harnesses the power of generative AI, specifically ChatGPT, ensuring a dynamic and context-aware interaction. Its integration within U.AE, the centralized portal for all government services, makes it uniquely cross-sectoral, providing a comprehensive solution across health, education, social development, labor, and more. The innovation goes beyond standard chatbot capabilities by incorporating predictive features, recommending the next user query, and leveraging user behavior analysis for personalized recommendations. The inclusion of multilingual proficiency, voice commands, and location-based services further enhances accessibility, ensuring an innovative, inclusive, and user-centric platform that stands as a pioneering advancement in digital governance not only within the UAE but globally.

What is the current status of your innovation?

The U-Ask project is currently in the Implementation phase, actively transforming the digital governance landscape by integrating advanced features and capabilities. The focus is on refining and enhancing user experiences through the deployment of predictive features, voice commands, and location-based services. The project is also in the process of consolidating its cross-sectoral coverage within the U.AE platform, ensuring seamless access to government services across various sectors. Continuous monitoring and user behavior analysis contribute to ongoing improvements, aligning with the commitment to deliver cutting-edge solutions. As the project advances, it lays the groundwork for potential diffusion of lessons learned, potentially influencing other innovative initiatives in digital governance.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

U-Ask thrives on a dynamic collaboration with federal government entities, private sector partners, and citizens, forming a robust public-private partnership. Federal entities ensure comprehensive coverage on U.AE, the unified platform, while the private sector contributes technical expertise and innovation to U-ASK's development. Citizens, as end-users, offer invaluable feedback, shaping U-Ask features and fostering a user-centric approach. This collaborative synergy ensures U-Ask's success.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

Citizens benefit from U-Ask's streamlined access to government services, obtaining accurate information conveniently. Government officials benefit from enhanced service delivery efficiency and data-driven insights. Civil society organizations benefit from increased transparency and accessibility. Companies, especially in the private sector, benefit from a collaborative ecosystem, contributing technical expertise and fostering innovation. aligning with UAE vision of inclusive Digital Governance.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

U-Ask has demonstrated impressive results and impacts, handling over 100,000 queries in the last quarter alone with a remarkable 99.7% acceptance rate. Measured through Application Performance Monitoring, there's been a 10% improvement in response accuracy, enhancing the user experience. In the future, U-Ask aims for continued user satisfaction, expanding its coverage by 10%, and integrating with WhatsApp for wider accessibility. These tangible outcomes signify U-Ask's success in addressing fragmented access, simplifying government interactions, and contributing to the UAE's 2031 vision of world-class digital services.

Challenges and Failures

U-Ask faced challenges related to user behavior analysis, overcoming a preference for Google searches over the chatbot. However, failures led to valuable insights, driving swift improvements. Structural challenges included initial limitations in the 2018 rule-based chatbot. These were responded to by evolving to generative AI in 2022, culminating in the advanced U-Ask. Constant adaptation and learning from challenges are key components of U-Ask's success.

Conditions for Success

Success for U-Ask hinges on robust infrastructure, strong policy support, visionary leadership, and ample human and financial resources. The integration of generative AI in 2022 was possible due to conducive policies, technological infrastructure, and visionary leadership within the UAE government. Continuous support for technological advancements, policy adaptations, and sustained resource allocation is vital. Aligning personal values with innovation goals and maintaining motivation amid evolving challenges contribute significantly to sustained success.


U-Ask's success has sparked interest from other government entities within the UAE, considering similar implementations for streamlining public access. The potential for replication is significant, particularly within organizations seeking comprehensive, AI-driven solutions for improving user engagement and accessibility to diverse services. Its adaptability allows scaling across sectors, making it applicable to both larger and smaller agencies, fostering a culture of innovation in digital government services. The innovation's modular nature allows integration into various organizational structures, potentially influencing digital transformation agendas across diverse entities.

Lessons Learned

The journey of developing and implementing U-Ask has taught us valuable lessons. Firstly, user-centric design is paramount; continuously analyzing user behavior ensures the solution meets evolving needs. Secondly, collaboration is key; involving various government entities enhances the innovation's reach and effectiveness. Thirdly, flexibility is crucial; the ability to adapt and introduce new features, such as multilingual support and voice commands, ensures the innovation remains cutting-edge. Lastly, ongoing evaluation is vital; regular assessments inform enhancements, contributing to sustained success and positive user experiences.

Anything Else?

The commitment to innovation extends beyond the current features of U-Ask. We are actively exploring new functionalities, such as predictive intelligence and further integration with emerging technologies, to continually elevate the user experience. Additionally, our collaboration with various sectors ensures U-Ask remains a comprehensive and cross-sectoral solution, addressing diverse user needs across government services. We believe in fostering a culture of innovation, and our journey with U-Ask reflects our dedication to shaping a more connected, accessible, and user-friendly digital government interface.

Project Pitch

Year: 2023
Level of Government: National/Federal government


  • Implementation - making the innovation happen

Innovation provided by:

Date Published:

27 June 2024

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