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Born in Belgium Professionals

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Born in Belgium Professionals is a RIZIV project that offers a digital tool, developed by and for professionals who work with or for (vulnerable) pregnant women. The tool is an online, shared platform that centralizes information about the psychosocial situation of the pregnant woman and makes it available to her care providers and healthcare providers from the (para)medical and social sector, fully in accordance with privacy legislation (GDPR).

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

Born in Belgium Professionals (hereinafter BIB) wants to improve the accessibility and quality of care and guidance for vulnerable pregnant women. Too often, psychosocial vulnerabilities in this target group are not noticed or are noticed too late. However, the literature shows that this can have important short- and long-term negative consequences for the mother and especially the child.
With BIB we want every child to start his or her life in the best possible circumstances. To achieve that goal, we developed a digital platform which includes an instrument that empowers healthcare providers and care providers involved in pregnancy (midwives, psychologists, general practitioners, gynecologists, social workers, pharmacists, etc.):
- it helps them to screen for psychosocial vulnerabilities in a pregnant woman;
- it helps them to link the right actions to the results of a screening by offering targeted information, procedures and referrals;
- it offers them an overview of the vulnerabilities of a pregnant woman (e.g. regarding housing, unemployment, residence status, etc.), of the healthcare and care providers involved and of the actions that have already been taken.
The BIB platform has been developed for and by healthcare and social workers. Over 100 organisations were involved. The dynamic character of our multilingual platform allows healthcare and social workers to set up the instrument according to their own practice. The solution is technically designed in such a way that integration with the practice's information system is possible without any problems via Single Sign-On. The platform can also be used as a web application (no installation required).
BIB has been in use since 2021 and is financed by the National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance in the context of the White Paper on the accessibility of care in Belgium. Over 50 organisations in primary and hospital care use the platform and by now over 4500 women are followed through the platform.
Every month we organize 3 Dutch and French-language informative webinars that attract an average of 15 participants. Together with experts in the topic, we have organized 45 training courses on non-stigmatizing questioning in which we increase the expertise of healthcare providers to discuss sensitive topics addressed in the platform. We keep 1,500 readers informed of developments through our newsletter, presented the platform in on over 20 (inter)national conferences and have over 600 followers on LinkedIn.
Thanks to our approach, BIB is today a very intuitive, accessible platform, even for those without a technical background. BIB has now been built into a number of patient file systems, allowing healthcare providers with such a system to use our platform as a natural extension of their daily workflow. We want to realize this "integration" into as many information systems as possible on the ground in order to achieve the broadest possible coverage.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

By working with healthcare providers and care providers from the start, we conceived the platform as complementary to the existing instruments in the field.
1. The platform is a cloud-native SaaS solution consisting of a combination of microservices.
2. We use the FHIR standard (intelligent data exchange) to connect patients/citizens, healthcare providers and care pathways. We have also "plugged in" the existing "open data" sources that we use (e.g. national database of healthcare providers) via an FHIR layer in order to be as future-proof as possible.
3. We have made it easy for to add new resources and configure almost the entire platform dynamically and intuitively via a "wysiwyg" interface.
4. To enable Single Sign-On from other environments we have provided a number of APIs.
5. Thanks to the extensive GDPR test and a clear "user access management" organization, the privacy of pregnant women is guaranteed and care providers only have access in relation with their role.

What is the current status of your innovation?

From September 2018 to June 2019, expert panels were organized with more than 130 professionals active in perinatal care. Based on this input, the platform was technically built in 2020 by LeapStation. Existing public databases were integrated. A data protection officer is hired, the platform complies with current GDPR regulations, the necessary DPIA documentation, informed consents, privacy statement, user conditions and data processing regulations have been drawn up. Implementation in practice started in 2021. Over 125 organisations are partner in the project, over 35 organisations use the platform extensively of which 13 hospitals. Over 4000 women are supported through the platform. Monthly webinars and training to facilitate uptake are organised. The main objective is to screen every women on psychosocial vulnerability in Belgium, 120 000 deliveries annually. We continue to support the implementation process in the different Belgian Regions.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

The national health insurance body finances our team. We engaged with stakeholders in the field of perinatal care and set up partnerships with different health care organisations in private and public sector, in primary and hospital care, regional and federal entities.
LeapStation, a software company focused on solutions for the healthcare and welfare sector constructed the platform. A data protection officer was hired. Existing national databases for referral were involved.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

We involved our stakeholders as ultimate users: midwives, pharmacists, gynecologists, (child) psychiatrists, educators, social workers, governmental bodies for child welfare, ... Over 130 organisations were involved. They have provided input concerning both the construction/design of the questionnaire and the content of the platform. The platform is accessible via integration in medical files or a weblink, Our team supports implementation in practice and offers material, training and license.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

Besides the development of the platform in Dutch, English and French, we translated our questionnaire in 15 languages. We made on boarding easy through our website, we offer information leaflets, posters, instruction video's to care providers.
We developed information video's and leaflets for women in different languages.
The platform is technically integrated in over 10 vendors of medical records.
We organise monthly 4 webinars since 2022. We offered over 40 days of training with experts on conversation techniques and held over 10 conferences.
Over 128 organisations are partner in the project, over 35 organisations intensively make use, over 4000 pregnant women were offered integrated care to ensure their psychosocial wellbeing.

Challenges and Failures

Involving stakeholders is very important, it is a challenge to bring together a sufficient number of diverse stakeholders. Reaching consensus, especially in our country where regional differences are current, is also not easy. Our platform is a form of an integrated and shared file, this is innovative, and remains an innovation that has not yet been accepted by every healthcare provider, leading to resistance in several cases. Legally, there are many challenges associated with this project, even though the platform complies with GDPR legislation, some remain anxious about data sharing. In terms of credibility, it is crucial that the government provides clarity and transparency about the sustainability of the project in order to enthusiasm

Conditions for Success

A good implementation plan with well-chosen implementation strategies is crucial.
Everything starts with bringing together professionals who provide care in the field of the various indicators of psychosocial vulnerability. Including regional healthcare providers together in primary care and hospital care is crucial. In addition to transferring knowledge, working agreements must be made. Care pathways should be agreed upon and personnel should be trained in how to ask the questions and use the care pathways.
In addition to healthcare providers, stakeholders such as management, technology (IT) and legal services are also crucial. After all, technical integration and signing of contracts depend on them. Process and behavior change takes time!


Healthcare providers are convinced of the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, the fact our platform enables interoperability between existing systems and it's "user-friendliness" facilitates this. The built into patient file systems, allow healthcare providers to use our platform as a natural extension of their daily workflow. BIB is intuitive and accessible, even for those without a technical background. New developments can be easily integrated thanks to the accessible "wysiwyg" interface. No new software updates are needed to manage decision trees, care pathways, integrations with other systems. This integration in as many information systems as possible and an example for other healthcare domains.

Lessons Learned

Pregnant women are happy to share their psychosocial wellbeing with care providers, only 0.5% of women refuse to take part in the use of the platform. Care providers admit that they did not expect women would be this open.
Care organisations integrate the platform in their medical files, we reached over 4000 women. In 20% of the cases indicators of depression and in 10% social isolation was present, the care pathways in the platform support care providers in how to take action. In case of a referral to another health care institution, shared-information is available in the platform.

Project Pitch

Supporting Videos

Year: 2021
Level of Government: National/Federal government


  • Implementation - making the innovation happen
  • Evaluation - understanding whether the innovative initiative has delivered what was needed
  • Diffusing Lessons - using what was learnt to inform other projects and understanding how the innovation can be applied in other ways

Innovation provided by:


Date Published:

27 June 2024

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