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Milan’s Permanent Citizens’ Assembly on Climate

To tackle air pollution and climate-related challenges, Milan has devised and executed a groundbreaking initiative to engage citizens in sustainability planning – the Permanent Citizens' Assembly on Climate. By fostering inclusive deliberations, the Assembly puts forth tangible recommendations for the city's long term sustainable development agenda. Its innovative model guides an equitable transition that positively impacts all residents ensuring durable civic participation in policymaking.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

As a dense metropolitan area, Milan faces pressing environmental challenges, especially due to air pollution exceeding EU limits and harming public health. To advance climate action, the city developed and launched an ambitious Sustainability Strategy, the Air and Climate Plan (PAC). Adopted in 2021, this cross-cutting strategic plan defines air quality, energy, mobility, adaptation and circular economy actions to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Central to the PAC is an ethos of social equity and inclusion, committing to a participatory governance model to actively engage citizens in sustainability planning.
Integral to realizing this vision, is Milan’s Permanent Climate Assembly (APCC) - an innovative civic body empowered to review, refine and help implement PAC measures. The APCC convenes residents to recommend concrete actions for the PAC, steering an equitable transition towards carbon neutrality by 2050. Through a carefully designed civic lottery, 90 citizens are selected to mirror Milan’s demographic diversity across age, gender, ethnicity, education, occupation and residence.
Assembly members participate in thematic working groups on PAC focus areas. Guided by municipal experts, assisted by a group of external stakeholders / activists in the field, the working groups deliberate on existing measures and propose additional initiatives suited to on-the-ground realities, later voted in plenary session. The voted recommendations are compiled into an Annual Report, submitted to the Municipality which then provides a detailed response dossier within two months, outlining intended integration.
The Assembly pursues multiple goals: fostering active civic participation in policymaking, accelerating sustainability efforts, monitoring climate progress, and raising public environmental awareness. Its permanent nature ensures continued public input through 2030, institutionalizing civic engagement. By channeling on-the-ground insights into decisions profoundly impacting quality of life, APCC’s permanent engagement model steers an equitable transition benefitting all residents.

The Citizens' Assembly serves as a tangible example of social innovation within the environmental sector. Looking ahead, the participatory PAC framework offers a receptive governance structure where the Assembly’s bottom-up proposals can manifest in concrete outcomes. As climate urgency escalates globally, this experiment with durable, inclusive policy deliberation provides valuable learnings for cities pursuing democratic climate action. It is a social, systemic, and methodological policy innovation that, with the necessary local adaptations, can be transferred to other cities, countries, and contexts.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

Milan’s Assembly uniquely integrates inclusive deliberative practices into municipal climate governance through Incremental Systemic and Methodological Innovations within the policy domain.
Role in the Policy Cycle: Beyond the Agenda Setting phase, the APCC is integrated into the Implementation and Monitoring phases.
Institutionalization: The APCC transcends episodic initiatives by institutionalising civic participation until 2030.
Holistic Citizen Engagement: i) a two-phase civic lottery selection captures participants' multidimensional diversity; ii) Citizens present actionable recommendations within the PAC.
Government Responsiveness: The Municipality provides written responses to citizens' proposals, cooperating on proposals deemed inadmissible.
These operational aspects ensure that the Milan model is at the forefront of promoting inclusiveness, representativeness, and concrete civic engagement in long-term climate governance.

What is the current status of your innovation?

After a year-long pilot phase spanning 12/2022-12/2023, Milan’s Climate Assembly is transitioning to full-scale implementation, undergoing refinements to its operational model by incorporating insights from rigorous multi-stakeholder evaluations.
While the pilot phase revealed promise in fostering inclusive dialogues and bottom-up recommendations, it also highlighted complex trade-offs. Key concerns included participant drop-out rates, uneven engagement across groups, limitations in incorporating minority voices and delivering feasible proposals.
In response, redesign efforts have focused on optimizing engagement, pluralism, and policy impacts. Notable changes include increased interaction with individuals to enhance involvement, compensation to enable participation from lower-income residents, and enabling greater integration by aligning the Assembly’s mandate to match municipality priorities. Overall, the innovation is strengthening its frameworks to fulfill its potential.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

The APCC is integrated in an ecosystem of local actors created through a public participation call active until 2030. This ecosystem is composed of officials and technicians within the municipal administration, municipal companies, associations, universities, and local businesses working on environmental research and the provision of services facilitating ecological transition. At the international level, the APCC is part of various networks, including FIDE, KNOCA, and the EC-JRC.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

The main beneficiaries are Milan citizens, directly engaged in climate policymaking process through the Assembly. Government officials also benefit from citizens' inputs and local knowledge to inform sustainable policies. External stakeholders like civil society groups provide information and oversight, while companies benefit from clarity on the city's environmental priorities. Overall, the model fosters collaborative climate actions to drive an equitable transition for all.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

The APCC is assessed through indicators established by the Municipality in PAC’s Monitoring System and two external organizations measuring its social impact following OECD guidelines. As it is still in its pilot phase, tangible impacts are still emerging. However, initial outcomes show heightened public awareness and acceptance of the city's sustainability policies due to improved understanding of climate complexities and local governance processes. Two comprehensive qualitative evaluation sessions indicated citizens feel empowered to shape climate action based on ground realities. Expected future impacts include accelerated sustainable development driven by context-specific, socially supported policies co-created through the Assembly

Challenges and Failures

The major challenges faced by the Assembly have been those related to the engagement and subsequent retention within our participatory body of the most vulnerable segments of the population. For us, these segments are represented by the very young (under 20 years old), the elderly (over 75), and the non-European migrant population. To overcome this difficulty, we have implemented a series of supporting mechanisms such as: customer care services, whatsapp communication, babysitting services and ticket transport reimbursement.

Supporting Videos


  • Identifying or Discovering Problems or Opportunities - learning where and how an innovative response is needed
  • Generating Ideas or Designing Solutions - finding and filtering ideas to respond to the problem or opportunity
  • Developing Proposals - turning ideas into business cases that can be assessed and acted on
  • Implementation - making the innovation happen
  • Evaluation - understanding whether the innovative initiative has delivered what was needed

Innovation provided by:

Date Published:

27 June 2024

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