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Nafath App


The Nafath app introduces a pioneering approach to authentication in Saudi Arabia. By leveraging biometrics and utilizing the mobile camera, it offers a secure and user-friendly app for authenticating user identity digitally. This innovative solution not only enhances identity authentication but also benefits all citizens and residents by simplifying digital interactions and empowering them to navigate the digital landscape with confidence, all through the convenience of their mobile devices.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

The Nafath app is a transformative innovation that addresses the challenges of digital transformation in Saudi Arabia by providing secure and reliable identity authentication through advanced AI-based mechanisms, including biometric authentication such as face and fingerprint recognition. It leverages cutting-edge technology to simplify and streamline the authentication process, enabling users to access governmental and private sector services with ease.

The innovation solves the problem of cumbersome and outdated authentication methods by offering a user-friendly and inclusive app. It eliminates the need for multiple passwords and physical presence, saving time and reducing costs for individuals and entities. The Nafath app also takes advantage of the opportunity to foster inclusivity by catering to the unique needs of older individuals, people with special needs, and residents of remote areas.

The objectives of the Nafath app are multi-faceted. Firstly, it aims to enhance security and convenience in authentication processes, ensuring a seamless user experience. Secondly, it focuses on promoting digital inclusion by providing equal access to online services for all members of society. Lastly, the app strives to contribute to the concept of smart cities and sustainable development by reducing traffic congestion and pollution.

The innovation has benefited millions of users, with over 17.2 million downloads representing 75% of Saudi Arabia's adult population. It has simplified the authentication process for individuals and entities, reducing costs and improving efficiency. Moreover, the Nafath app has had wider societal benefits, fostering a more inclusive and connected society by catering to the needs of diverse segments of the population.

In envisioning the future, the Nafath app aims to overcome regulatory challenges by effectively incorporating the legal identity of individuals into its authentication process. It seeks to establish partnerships with relevant authorities to enable a comprehensive authentication solution for visitors. By incorporating legal identity and broadening its audience, the Nafath app envisions becoming an institutionalized and trusted part of Saudi Arabia's digital ecosystem, fostering inclusivity and providing a secure authentication experience for all individuals.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

The Nafath app introduces a truly innovative approach to authentication by leveraging the power of the mobile camera and advanced AI technology, turning the mobile phone into a self-service kiosk. With the app, users can conveniently access a wide range of services directly from their smartphones, offering a seamless and user-friendly self-service experience.

By utilizing the mobile camera and AI algorithms, users can capture their biometric data, such as facial or fingerprint information, for authentication purposes. The AI technology analyzes the captured data and matches it against stored records, ensuring secure and accurate verification.

The self-service kiosk functionality eliminates the need for physical presence and reduces reliance on traditional methods like in-person visits or dedicated kiosks. Users can conveniently authenticate their identity, access government services, open bank accounts, and more, all from the comfort of their mobile devices.

What is the current status of your innovation?

The Nafath app has successfully completed the implementation phase and is now in the Diffusing Lessons stage. We are actively sharing the knowledge and lessons learned from our innovative solution. This includes information about the app's effectiveness, best practices, and the impact it has had on improving the identity authentication processes. Through collaborations, workshops, and conferences, we aim to inspire and inform others, promoting the adoption of this innovative approach. We are also exploring how the principles and technologies used in the Nafath app can be applied in other contexts and industries, seeking new opportunities for innovation.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

During the Nafath app's innovation process, key partners played crucial roles:

The National Cybersecurity Authority classified service sensitivities, enabling the determination of the appropriate authentication levels among the 3 levels available in the app.

The Digital Government Authority's legislation mandates Nafath as the single sign-on for verifying identities accessing online government services. This endorsement establishes Nafath as the go-to platform, ensuring widespread adoption

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

The innovation significantly impacted various stakeholders. Business owners (both Government, and Private entities) offering digital services gained the ability to provide remote access (especially to highly sensitive services), transforming their operations. Users including (Citizens, and Residents) benefited by eliminating the need for physical visits. This innovation not only empowered business owners with new opportunities but also enhanced user convenience.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

The Nafath App has achieved impressive growth and significant national achievements. With over 17.2 million downloads, it is the most popular app in Saudi Arabia according to app stores like the App Store and Google Play Store. Users can access over 470 integrated platforms and apps for both government and private services. The app has processed over 380 million verification requests, enabling seamless authentication anytime, anywhere. It eliminates the need for physical visits, benefiting various user groups. With an average request completion time of 20 seconds, the app offers comfort and efficiency. It also helps reduce expenses for private and public entities, making it a key driver of Saudi Arabia's digital transformation.

Challenges and Failures

One of the key challenges that Nafath faces is the authentication of legal identities, this is due to the weakness of governance in this domain. This challenge significantly hampers the provision of Nafath services to those audiences. Without proper governance of legal identities, digital identity services for legal entities will not be possible.

Conditions for Success

Central National Databases for Biometrics: Establishing centralized national databases to securely store biometric data is crucial for accurate authentication. These databases verify identities.

AI Capabilities: Essential for accuracy and security are advanced biometric algorithms and liveness checks.

Robust Technical Infrastructure: Necessary to support authentication transactions, including internet connectivity, server infrastructure, and storage.

Legal and Regulatory Framework: A comprehensive framework ensures data protection, privacy, and cybersecurity, safeguarding users' rights and fostering trust.


It is important to note that this project has been mandated to NIC -the operational arm of SDAIA-, thus establishing its exclusivity and precluding replication by other entities in Saudi Arabia. However, the innovation can be replicated in other countries if the conditions for success (mentioned in 6.3) are maintained similarly.

Lessons Learned

Two main lessons can be shared: a business lesson and a technical lesson.

The business lesson concerns sensitive services classification, advocating for a 3rd party to classify digital services’ sensitivity apart from the service provider and technology enabler. This would reduce classification subjectivity and standardize methodologies.

The technical lesson focuses on application dynamicity, emphasizing that backend changes are easier and quicker for market deployment than frontend changes, which require application store approvals and could delay enhancements.

Anything Else?

Nafath is proud to showcase its wide range of services that add significant value to various sectors:

The centralized point for accepting requests: providing a secure and efficient point for individuals to accept requests from both governmental and private apps.

The Portable self-service kiosks service: transforming mobile phones into advanced tools for biometric verification. This feature enables individuals to digitally prove their identities in sensitive services, eliminating the need for physical presence.

The on-site verification service: to ensure the completion of identity verification within specific locations. This feature facilitates registration procedures at event sites, ports, and other facilities.


  • Diffusing Lessons - using what was learnt to inform other projects and understanding how the innovation can be applied in other ways

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Date Published:

29 June 2024

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