Seeking candidates for projects on digital government innovation (due 9 October)

OPSI is partnering up with our sister team, the Digital Government and Data Unit, for a series of projects involving researching and evaluating government efforts to promote the digital transformation of public policies and services, including the application of innovative and emerging technologies for well-being and the public good.
Some areas of our work include:
- AI in the public sector.
- Open data.
- Data governance and ethics.
- Public services design and delivery.
- Systems thinking.
- Cybersecurity / information security.
- GovTech.
To help us achieve this, we are looking to bring on one or more independent consultants who can work with us to conduct research, review policy documents, analyse and interpret data (e.g., survey data), conduct interviews with government officials, and draft case studies and sections of reports. Some of the projects will be on very tight deadlines, while others will stretch out a bit longer.
In particular, we are looking for candidates who:
- Have some experience in digital government efforts, and using data and digital technologies to promote good government principles.
- Have some flexibility in their schedules to take on both known tasks and ad-hoc things that may pop up.
- Are able to work well remotely in a team environment.
- Can write clearly and succinctly, and convey complex and technical messages in ways that non-technical readers can understand.
- Can speak and write fluently and at a professional level in and English (required) and Spanish (would be a bonus for certain projects).
The work would be done remotely (the team meets often on Zoom and Teams). The work is paid, with rates/amounts depending on project complexity and the time needed to complete the tasks at hand.
If you’re interested, please e-mail us at [email protected] with the following information by the end of 9 October 2020.
- A CV or resume.
- A paragraph or two describing your interest in the work and how it may relate to your background and skills.
- Your availability. For instance, full time or part-time. If part-time, how many hours per week. Date when you can start work.