Confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19 by date of report, district health board (DHB), age, gender + travel details if applicable. Open data is available on confirmed and probable COVID-19 cases, disaggregated by gender, age intervals, DHS and travel details (if applicable). In addition, open data on Stats NZ (such as population census) have been used to complement research and OGD initiatives. Over time, and as the numbers have increased, disaggregation has widened to include ethnicity and…
COVID-19 Innovative Response Tracker
Search and filter through innovative COVID-19 solutions from around the world

This website, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
Support Services Map: Wellington City Council combining data from the Ministry of Health data, NZ Transport Authority & Stats NZ with their own data being collected and opened specifically for COVID response.
Covid-19 Response
Open data on COVID-19 health, socio-economic situation and public services in the Netherlands
A collection of a wider range different relevant open datasets. This includes COVID-19 cases data at the municipal level, but also data on care institutions and trained medical staff, labour market data, law data, traffic data, air quality data, health care expenditure, basic address registrations, population statistics, and more.
Publication of open data of the cases associated with COVID-19. Information from the Viral Respiratory Diseases Epidemiological Surveillance System, which is reported by the 475 viral respiratory disease monitoring units (USMER) throughout the country in the entire health sector (IMSS, ISSSTE, SEDENA, SEMAR, ETC). Preliminary data subject to validation by the Ministry of Health through the General Directorate of Epidemiology. The information corresponds only to the data obtained from the…
Solutions for data-driven decision making in Vilnius Municipality, through dashboards, predictive modelling and information system of drive-in corona virus testing stations.
Covid-19 Response
Combined data from 2020 pilot population consensus with open COVID-19 data in 1 km grid maps
Combined data from the 2020 pilot population census with dynamic and swift COVID-19 statistics will be available in the near future. In detailed (1 km grid) maps, visitors will have the possibility to see the most recent information about the total population divided by age and sex, along with the timely data on COVID-19 spread. Detailed data contained in the maps will also be available via open data files. 2. The portal will include the main COVID-19 maps of Lithuania. 3. Covid-19 in Lithuania.…
Covid-19 Response
Data visualisation dashboard with real-time tracking of COVID-19 cases in Lithuania
Statistics Lithuania has developed the interactive map set for showing accurately the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. The map displays information on the latest cases, tests performed in real-time, vaccination rates, also demographic and certain chronic disease morbidity statistics (Statistics Lithuania, the Institute of Hygiene), Health care resources (Institute of Hygiene), detailed data on care and social services (Statistics Lithuania), detaileddata of the private and public sectors directly…
The official dashboard that presents the current status of the COVID-19 epidemic in Korea at the national, provincial and municipal level from official reports by the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) including a daily monitoring situation update(number of confirmed cases, released from quarantine/discharged healed, isolated in treatment centers/hospitalized and deceased).
Datasets of current status of all testing clinics (sample collection availability, provinces, municipalities, medical institution names, addresses, and phone numbers) that are in operation as of the reference date
This dataset provides operation information on hospitals such as secured hospitals against COVID-19 inspection, clinics and testing hospitals for COVID-19.