The Coronavirus Tech Handbook is a crowdsourced library of tools, services and resources relating to COVID-19 response. It is a rapidly evolving resource with thousands of expert contributors.
COVID-19 Innovative Response Tracker
Search and filter through innovative COVID-19 solutions from around the world
This website, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
World Vision Romania is promoting preventive behaviors and social conduct measures to prevent the infection with COVID-19 among rural population in the area where we have active programming; we empower children from to communicate messages of protection and social conduct during the pandemic; we support educational staff with digital tools to continue online education; we distribute food packages, education kits, and phycological support to children and families in rural areas, and we advocate…
Covid-19 Response
Initiative to provide real-time data collection on disadvantaged communities affected
"The 'Reaction for Education' Initiative
In terms of ensuring the continuity of the educational process after suspension of face to face classes, one of the main challenges for governments is to identify vulnerable communities, the needs for educational resources, and the provision of necessary means to cover these needs so that school can continue from home.
The 'Reaction for Education' initiative was launched by the Ministry of Education and Research in Romania, in partnership with the…
All owners of nursing homes report daily Corona statistics to the province of Styria. These reports enable the Province of Styria to identify any hotspots of corona cases in nursing homes at an early stage. Corona cases are also tracked for the staff of the care providers in order to detect any upcoming staff shortage at an early stage.
“Hack the crisis“ Austria is a virtual hackathon organized by volunteers of the Austrian Startups Community with support of the corporate and public sector. Its aim is to cooperatively develop new solutions to counter challenges posed by the Corona crisis.
The Austrian government has created a security platform that regularly publishes reports and news articles on the topic of Corona virus.
Covid-19 Response
Information, relief and simplifications related to business situations and information obligations
The Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance has introduced a number of measures and solutions addressing COVID-19 related problems for businesses, all of which are detailed on a single online webpage.
Real-time data collection, distribution and analysis (for example, carrying out ad-hoc surveys as regards the estimation of the economic activity evolution and the number of employees for a better planning and monitoring of COVID-19 policies)
Covid-19 Response
Experimental statistics designed to provide more knowledge on the behavior during the pandemic.
Even if the National Statistical Institute does not have as objective the production of experimental statistics, the topic is becoming one of the INS concerns, understanding the need during this difficult period for statistical benchmarks for substantiating the public and private decisions needed for the following months.
Measures to promote burden sharing within the private sector