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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Combatting misinformation is a key communication issue for governments in ensuring citizens follow correct public health advice. Whatsapp as a platform is particularly difficult to manage misinformation given the private nature of the platform. Accordingly, the WHO, UNICEF and UNDP have made the first of its kind, a 'WhatsApp Coronavirus Information Hub'. It includes a $1m donation to the Poynter Institute's International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN). The WhatsApp Coronavirus Information Hub…
Digital technologies and innovation are precious allies to help citizens to live a normal daily life and improve the quality of life under the present difficult conditions. The call is open to companies, associations, or any other entity that wish to provide digital services or products for free, even if for a limited period of time, to the Italian population. "Digital Solidarity" wish to provide free services for citizens, professionals, and companies, to: Work remotely, through fast and free…
Innovative response: open data and open government procurement to regulate and monitor emergency COVID-19 response using the Ukrainian government’s Prozorro open contracting platform. Emergency procurements is excluded from the general procurement law; however a list of goods/works/services which could be procured is adopted (the list is structured, covers INNs for medicines, GMDN classifiers for medical devices) and structured open data for reporting for all signed and concluded contracts is…
Healthcare workers (HCW) are especially high-risk for COVID-19 infection and by extension, their contacts (including people they live with, those they treat, and all other individuals they interact with in their everyday life) are also at high-risk of infection. Technology already exists to track the location of individuals via smart-phones. Lots of it! We can and should use this technology to track the movements and locations of healthcare workers so that if a HCW tests positive for COVID19,…
As a global community, we are grappling with how to nurture and care for ourselves and each other, even though we might not fully understand the ramifications of the situations unfolding around us, and while we navigate the new reality of social distancing. Information and access to it looks different for people around the world, as do responses to that information. Meanwhile, our spirits continue to seek and respond to stories and moments of beauty, joy, and inspiration that remind us of our…
With the COVID-19 pandemic in full swing, many people are looking at a lot of free time stuck indoors. Avoid cabin fever and use that time to make a difference in your community and the fight against COVID-19 by joining CODEVID-19, a worldwide collaborative pandemic hackathon. Our objective is to improve the quality of life of people during the pandemic! We believe faster, more effective and more available solutions/ideas/projects are preferred to slower, less useful and limited ones. The…