Academic Research in Healtcare data could help people to know better how expertises in several working teams are managing the information technologies and scientific results that are very important to conduct new empirical experiments and study new skills for increasing the professional figures.
COVID-19 Innovative Response Tracker
Search and filter through innovative COVID-19 solutions from around the world
This website, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
Covid-19 Response
DiAry, the Italian tracking app that encourages good behavior with spending vouchers
“Digital Arianna”, diAry, is a web-app that allows to track movements relevant to the containment of the diffusion of COVID-19. To adddress the diffusion of the virus, the app traces back all the locations and people that the user has met during the incubation period. All data is saved on the personal device of the user, who can decide to examine, export and eventually intersect them with information of public utility. Adopting responsible behaviors and keeping track of them is the most…
A specific dashboard is available on the Civil Protection Department portal that provides a daily national summary of health monitoring which describes the situation related to the state of evolution of the Coronavirus infection COVID-19 (metadata) as well as areas in which containment measures for the contagion COVID-19 have been applied (metadata).
Milan is to introduce one of Europe’s most ambitious schemes reallocating street space from cars to cycling and walking, in response to the coronavirus crisis.
Under the nationwide lockdown, motor traffic congestion has dropped by 30-75%, and air pollution with it. City officials hope to fend off a resurgence in car use as residents return to work looking to avoid busy public transport.
The city has announced that 35km (22 miles) of streets will be transformed over the summer, with a rapid,…
"Innova per l’Italia" is call to companies, universities, public and private research centers, associations, cooperatives, consortia, foundations and institutes which, through their technologies, can contribute to the prevention, diagnostics and monitoring for the containment and contrast of the spread of Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) on the whole national territory. The Innova per l’Italia initiative will be a repository for "calls to action" that will respond to the specific needs of other…
Digital technologies and innovation are precious allies to help citizens to live a normal daily life and improve the quality of life under the present difficult conditions.
The call is open to companies, associations, or any other entity that wish to provide digital services or products for free, even if for a limited period of time, to the Italian population.
"Digital Solidarity" wish to provide free services for citizens, professionals, and companies, to:
Work remotely, through fast and free…