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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Validation that this is an official OECD website can be found on the Innovative Government page of the corporate OECD website.

This is a guest post from Magnus Karlsson, project manager, innovation management system at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden and national expert and chair of TK 532 innovation management at SIS Swedish Institute for Standards. Magnus shares some of the work being done to develop standards around innovation management, and its relevance to the public sector. Towards a common platform for boosting innovation management in public sector organisations The urgency to innovate in the public...
In May, 40 countries officially adopted the OECD Declaration on Public Sector Innovation. In the months since the formal adoption, countries are exploring how to use the OECD declaration to help boost their own public sector innovation agenda. Recently, the Irish government used the OECD Declaration to create their own Declaration on Public Service Innovation. In Latvia, OPSI has been working with the State Chancellery and the recently created innovation labs #GovLabLatvia to adapt the...
Putting public sector innovation at the top of the ‘to-do’ list is not an easy task for government. Even if there’s notional support, trying something new often means that you face inertia, confusion and even fear about what exactly innovation is, what goals it can serve or how to do it. To combat these common barriers, the Irish Public Service Leadership Board took matters into their own hands. They created their own Declaration on Public...
Today the Declaration on Public Sector Innovation has been adhered to by national governments from around the world. This is an important milestone in the growing global practice of public sector innovation. It sends a strong signal that this is something that governments believe is a priority. It demonstrates that there is a budding consensus around some of the concepts and principles of public sector innovation. Access the full OECD Declaration and supporting materials, here....
40 countries adhere to the OECD Declaration At OECD Headquarters in Paris, France, Ministers from 40 countries officially adopted the OECD Declaration on Public Sector Innovation today, 22 May 2019! In doing so, they have sent a strong message to the international community that public sector innovation is important, worthy of attention and support. The OECD Declaration is a set of five principles, and associated actions, that governments and public organisations can use to inform...
The OECD Declaration is an OECD legal instrument that establishes five principles, and associated actions, that governments or public organisations can use to inform or enhance innovation and its management.

Liberating Structures

Champion CHAMPION:
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Liberating Structures is a web resource that includes a collection of 33 results-oriented collaboration patterns have been developed and refined through field testing over a 10+ year period in a variety of sectors including healthcare and business. They are intended to complement conventional practices for organisational design and strategy design. They are designed to be used in an inclusive collaborative setting. Associated books (for sale) and video guidance is available to assist those…

Playbook for innovation learning

Champion CHAMPION:
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This playbook has been created for innovation practitioners who want to spread innovation skills, methods and tools or build an innovation capacity. It covers the design of effective learning experiences, identification and articulation of learning needs, pitching a learning offer at the right level, and connection of a team or innovation strategy with learning and development. It contains overview of 35 methods that Nesta regularly uses in its practice. Each method description includes a short…

Improved Innovation Decision Making

Basic BASIC:
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The IIDM Toolset was designed as a guide for organisations and individuals seeking to build the capacity of problem solvers to innovate and collaborate more effectively. The Toolset addresses two key components: (1) cultivating an innovator’s mindset, and (2) improving the processes that support decision making along the journey from idea to impact. The publisher asserts that both of these ingredients are vital for decision making to yield improved innovation. The Toolset offers users…
This EU Quality of Public Administration Toolbox aims to support, guide, encourage and inspire those who want to build public administrations that will create prosperous, fair and resilient societies. The Toolbox tries to help countries with addressing country-specific policy recommendations and with delivering successful strategies and operational programmes.