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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Ukraine is transforming its public procurement system to bring public procurement into the open, so citizens get a better deal and government runs smoothly. EBRD has supported the Ukrainian government to develop a new legal framework, and to develop cutting edge tools which can process vast amounts of procurement data in real time. State auditors can now quickly & pre-emptively spot risks or inefficiencies in the system and address them. It is the first innovation of this kind in the world.
Identifying representative indicators requires distinguishing the driving forces and directions of relationships in innovation, economic or health data. The innovation is an algorithm, a sequence of coded instructions, automated to derive visual tools directly from big data. The algorithm is adaptable to various fields of study for rapid, data visualisation and enables transparent, evidence-based indicator prioritisation.
The project of monitoring open government commitments was developed with the objective of guaranteeing the fulfillment of the Brazilian initiatives in the scope of the Open Government Partnership. It is a process carried out jointly, periodically and proactively by government and civil society, with significant results for society as a whole. This approach is materialized through specific monitoring and evaluation actions that provide transparency regarding the implementation of Brazilian OGP…
The methodology of the “Brazil Transparency Scale” Survey consists of a checklist on 17 categories that cover all relevant aspects of the access to information regulation at the local level, the existence and functionality of the electronic Citizen Information Service (passive transparency), as well as the information disclosure of public funds, revenue, expenditure, public bidding, etc. (active transparency). The final evaluation score ranged from zero to ten.
In response to the generalized lack of political accountability and availability of public information, this online tool provides an open and qualified access to the Spanish Parliament’s activity, related to the implementation of the Agenda 2030.It promotes a transparent and participative implementation of this agenda and allows CSOs, policy makers and the media to monitor political proposals.The Spanish Government has included Parlamento2030 as one of the tools of its 2030 Agenda National…
Not only is transparency in Brazil taken as the principle of publicity in public administration, but also as a Public Policy, led by integrated actions focused on achieving specific goals. Brazilian Government has reaped concrete quantitative and qualitative transparency-driven results: saving of resources, reformulation of public policies and inhibition of misconduct and corruption acts. The Transparency Portal is the core of the policy and central tool to promote results through transparency.
East Africa has an urgent need for innovative accountability mechanisms, as many public services are inefficient and corrupt. SEMA helps to improve the quality of public service delivery, by gathering real-time citizen feedback and presenting this data in digestible formats. We use low-tech tools, such as custom-made hardware devices and interactive voice response technology, that help citizens from all backgrounds to have a voice in evaluating their public services.
BA Obras is a collaborative initiative to open information on public works in the City of Buenos Aires, seeking to increase transparency in the management of public resources. It consists on a portal through which all the residents of the City can track the works in real time; so they can see what works are being done in their neighborhoods, know the dates of start and end of them, and the investment they require, while they can monitor progress.
‘Budget Promises: Beyond Parliament’ is Sri Lanka’s pioneering budget monitoring platform, created to answer two basic questions about the government’s annual budget – 1) is the government doing what they are saying? and 2) is the government saying what they are doing? Since its launch, the platform has been a primary source for citizens, media, and researchers to track progress on budget promises.
The Open Data Policy of the Federal Executive Branch was established by the Decree N. 8.777/2016. Besides establishing the possibility of requesting public databases, the policy sets up the obligation for each body to draw up an Open Data Plan (PDA), which systematizes the planning for the opening of public data. The CGU monitors (through around 230 federal agencies covered by the decree, establishing regular and customized contact with public managers.