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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Being New in Norway

"Being new in Norway", is a prioritized life event in the Norwegian government`s digitization strategy aiming to:

  • Provide a holistic and comprehensive public info to the newcomers as end-users
  • Accelerate newcomers’ participation in work and society
  • Increase public resources efficiency

The website is addressing those goals and is a hub for accessing public information to newcomers
We used foresight methodology to contribute to more long-term and sustainable service delivery.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

Being new in Norway in our context refers to newly arrived persons with an aim of settling in Norway. They can be refugees, migrant worker, foreign student, unaccompanied minor, asylum seeker or even those reuniting with family. This experience exposes one to extensive contact with the public sector. There is lots of information to be understood, many requests to be submitted, many things that need to be put in place and a lot to get used to as one settles down.
"Being new in Norway", therefore is a prioritized life event, defined in the Norwegian government`s digitization strategy for 2019-2025, aiming to:
Provide a holistic and comprehensive public info to the newcomers as end-users regardless of which public office is offering the services
Accelerate newcomers’ participation in work and society
Increase public resources efficiency as well as facilitating increased productivity in society through digital transformation
Directorate of Integration and Diversity (IMDi) is responsible for developing connected and seamless services for the "Being new in Norway" life event and has used foresight methodology to meet the future needs of users in a time of great uncertainty and a high rate of change.
Our vision for this work is that; “It should be easy to be new in Norway," and the overall goal is that "More people are able to participate in working and social life of society in Norway."
This journey and work have been systematic. We started by documenting the needs of the defined newcomers as end-users. To do this, IMDi has gathered user insights and statistics from newcomers regarding their user journeys and experiences. IMDi collaborated with the Norwegian Digitalization Directorate and used their report on the most important societal issues, trends and developments affecting the Norwegian public sector towards 2030.
In collaboration with a broad representation of relevant public services, we have assessed the impact of these trends on the Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, Judicial areas on the future newcomers needs. We identified the strategic blind spot, where the trends are considered important, yet the public sector today doesn’t offer or plan to develop relevant services that address the future user needs.
One of the most important service identified was the need to offer an authoritative source of holistic and comprehensive information from public authorities. To address this, IMDi has developed a new website functioning as a hub where newcomers could easily find information relevant to their needs, understand it and do what they need to be done.
Since the war in Ukraine broke out, over 70000 Ukrainian refugees have come to Norway per december 2023. The large influx posed enormous challenges to existing institutions as well as manpower in the public sector services. The need for such official, and reliable information to this group was paramount in order to ease their integration into society

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

We have used the following potential emerging trends affecting the public sector in our solution.
There will be less financial leeway in future and more pressure to finance public services.

Continued climate change will increase migration, cause financial challenges to both the citizens and existing infrastructure.

Accelerated digitization has given huge profits to technology giants for expansion whereas many groups become vulnerable.

Society is becoming more heterogeneous. Increased diversity creates complex challenges like more exclusion, political polarization and weakened democratic institutions.

Changing people’s needs and expectations increases their demand for good quality and coherent public services.

Technological developments, globalization and the green shift change working life and imposes new competence requirements.

Innovation is necessary to ease pressure on the public services created by these trends

What is the current status of your innovation?

Implementation - making the innovation happen

The developed website is a multi-lingual online portal with reliable information about rules, rights, obligations and regulations from Norwegian public authorities and NGOs to newcomers. The purpose is to provide refugees and immigrants with better information about Norwegian society thereby increasing their possibility to find what they need by themselves easily.

The website covers many topics like residence permits, work, education and health care. The first version is for displaced people from Ukraine in Norway.

The site has a structure to navigate easily depending on information needed and what the Norwegian authorities want to pass to the end-users.

The website can be easily used also as an information channel for information about health, vaccination under a new pandemic or to highlights on available work opportunities and strategies to become economically self-reliant in Norway

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

The website is developed and owned by the Directorate of Integration and Diversity in collaboration with many other public sector actors. The officials from these other sectors produce content regarding the services their offices offer.

Refugees from Ukraine have been our target group for the first version. There has been direct dialogue with a selected group to better understand their needs. There has also been extensive and repeated user testing for the website.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

The first end- users of the website provide feedback on their experiences and what should be improved.
They have no need to visit multiple websites to look for information. The need for other forms of contact with public services has reduced.
Other government officials share their understanding of the challenges, objectives and priorities for our target group. The need for individual follow ups of end- user by other public officials has reduced since they easily access the information

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

The website provides reliable information from Norwegian authorities to newcomers. This has enhanced and boosted trust in public information and institutions.

40.000 people has visited the website since it was launched in June 2023, making it an important source for information related to refugees from Ukraine.

We expect that the number of users and information scope to increase as we target other refugee groups and immigrants.

Challenges and Failures

Uncontrolled social media outlets with alternative information pose a challenge to trust in government institutions.

The website is currently available in four languages (Ukrainian, English, Russian and Norwegian). Publishing same and coherent information in many languages requires a lot of resources. Separate websites, structures and links must be created for each language. When there are changes and adjustments in the content to be made, they must be done manually for all the different pages.

A number of people in the target group with low digital competence will need other forms of delivery like use of videos and audio tracks to meet their needs. This has already been put in the product backlog.

Conditions for Success

Robust and long-term financing model. The website needs continuously updates and development with content and services from several public actors.

Adapting the information given more to the end-user's language and culture in order for them to keep having trust in the information from the Government sources.

Use relevant technology to enhance the information gathering, flow and presentation (relevant info to end user)- right information at the right time to the right end-user.

There will be need to limit the number of languages to be used even with the expansion of the website to include other groups. Instead, other translation tools can be used to reduce the costs.


This approach has a huge potential for replication. The first version of the website targets displaced people from Ukraine in Norway. The site provides users with quality-assured information from public authorities in Norway.

If this is expanded to include other groups of newcomers and immigrants, then we will be able to assist a significant number of people in Norway with secure and up-to-date information from public authorities.

Lessons Learned

The website acts as a hub for accessing public information from public authorities in Norway. This enhances a quickens the process of inclusion for the refugees, thereby reducing the number of resources the state has to use on first response guidance in public offices.

Newly arrived refugees and immigrants are able to easily get reliable information in a language they understand. This in return has given a big boost in the trust levels for public institutions.

The newcomers get a better understanding of their rights, possibilities, duties and obligations thereby enhancing their possibilities of navigating through society in order to become self-reliant in a new country

Anything Else?

The project will continue to assess, test and further develop digital services, including the use of artificial intelligence, to ensure viable and sustainable content production as well as translate content to multiple languages.

Digital services will search for content on public websites, retrieve relevant content and categorize it so that it is published in a good way to the right target groups.

There is need to create a systematic user dialog for the purpose of feedback to ensure that the website meets the needs of the target groups.

Year: 2023
Level of Government: National/Federal government


  • Implementation - making the innovation happen

Innovation provided by:

Date Published:

27 June 2024

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