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My Residence

My Residence - Welcome Screen

My Residence - Welcome Screen

In order to provide citizens with access to many residence-related services from a single point, rather than having to access each service separately, "My Residence" was launched on 9 March 2021. Under the Digital Transformation Office, many services related to the residence address of citizens are offered via the e-Government Gateway by 9 central government institutions as well as municipalities and utility companies.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

Traditional e-Government services consist of singular and static services. However, with My Residence integrated service, services related to the residence address are offered under a single personlized service and thus, effective use of digital services is ensured. A citizen who benefits from this service can save time by receiving services that concern many sectors and institutions simultaneously. The citizens can access many services by searching and related services are displayed directly on their screen. In addition, as new services related to the residence address are defined or transferred to the digital environment, their integration to the My Residence service is ensured.

In order to develop this innovative service, it was first necessary to inventory the services associated with the residential address. For this purpose, thousands of public services within the Service Inventory Management System and services offered at the e-Government Gateway were examined. In order to determine whether these services provide added value or not, various statistics on the number of service usage and scope of the service were analyzed. As a result, the ability of the selected services to be integrated together was also investigated. The entire project was completed in 16 months as predetermined.

In addition to the services integrated into this service, further analyzes are completed to include new services, and integration studies have been initiated for 2 services such as sending requests to headmen (mukhtars) and querying on-duty pharmacy information. This integrated service makes it possible to carry out the following tasks by the citizen, among many other activities:

  • Changing the residence address
  • Local services offered by the district/provincial units located nearby the address of residence of the user
  • Subscription based utility services (e.g. electricity, water, gas)
  • Inquiry and change of family doctor
  • Student transfer operations (for primary and secondary school students)
  • Inquiry of voter registration
  • Measurement information of base stations
  • Community policing
  • Inquiry of emergency assembly area
  • Receiving residence documents without visiting the office of the neighborhood unit and using the documents in all official procedures since they contain a barcode.

In detail, the following services are provided by the central government institutions, municipalities and utility companies:

1. Municipal Services:
• Querying declaration, registry, accrual and collection information,
• Electronic document verification

2. Services of Natural Gas Companies:
• Natural Gas Subscription Inquiry,
• Application for Termination of Natural Gas Subscription Contract,
• Natural Gas Subscription Agreement Application

3. Services of Electricity Companies:
• Debt Information Inquiry,
• Individual Subscription Termination Application,
• Individual Subscription Application

4. Services of Water and Sewerage Institutions:
• Water Subscription Inquiry,
• Application for Termination of Water Subscription Contract,
• Water Subscription Agreement Application

5. Services of the Ministry of Interior (General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs):
• Address Change Notification,
• Inquiry for the Document of the Person Residing in the Same Household,
• Place of Residence and Other Address Document Inquiry

6. Ministry of Health Services:
• Family Physician Information Inquiry,
• Presidency of Supreme Election Board
• Domestic Voter Registration Inquiry,

7. Services of the Ministry of National Education:
• Student Transfer

8. Information Technologies and Communication Institution Services:
• Base Stations Measurement Information

9. Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency Services:
• Emergency Assembly Area Inquiry

10. Services of the General Directorate of Meteorology:
• Air Quality Service-Weather Forecast

11. Türkiye Electricity Distribution Inc. Services
• Lighting Complaint Application and Follow-up

12. Services of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change
• Energy Performance Certificate Inquiry

13. Services of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism:
• Public Libraries Information

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

The innovative feature of this service is that it has a dynamic and personalized structure and offers services belonging to different sectors and institutions by integrating them with a focus on resident addresses. Establishing such a dynamic structure at the e-Gov Gateway with more than 60 million users and 94% penetration rate constitutes the most critical innovation feature. The biggest challenge was to ensure effective and agile inter-institutional coordination, because the whole process is proactive in nature. Especially for My Residence, both technical and administrative alignment must be perfect.

In the operation of My Residence service, data returned from many services is displayed on a single personalized screen, and after the user selects the service for which he/she wants detailed information, he/she is directed to the relevant service. Thanks to the breadcrumb mechanism built in the front-end infrastructure, the user can return to the main screen with a single click.

What is the current status of your innovation?

The distributed nature of the single supply adopted in traditional service delivery made it difficult to receive services. By turning this challenge into an opportunity, the existing service delivery structure has evolved into an integrated and personalized service delivery model for address based services under the title of "My Residence". Many components of all address-based services, including their business processes, were reviewed and ideas for integrated service delivery were generated.

For the services selected for integration, these ideas were further matured into a project proposal and implemented according to a timetable. For My Residence, service loads can be analyzed by instant monitoring in detail. In addition, feedback from citizens on the service is received through online surveys and requested improvements are prioritized. This project has provided a library of lessons learned to facilitate other integrated and personalized services to be developed.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

In the process, with the help of the online surveys conducted through the e-Government Gateway, a stock taking of feedbacks from citizens, business developers, central and local institutions and public enterprises is accomplished. Information was collected from citizens and business developers on which service they would like to see delivered and how, and from institutions on the capabilities and work steps of the address-based services. Maximum support was received from each group.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

My Residence integrated service has received great appreciation from citizens since its launch and its level of use is increasing every day. Thanks to this service, the singular services offered by institutions became more visible and recognized by the users. Thus, service providers, whether central or local, have become more committed and motivated to interoperability and integrated service delivery.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

  • Service providers save on the number of staff and other public resources required to prepare the documents requested by users and to finalize their applications.
  • In the first 10 months of year 2022, "My Residence” service was used for 9.831.571 times.
  • In the first 10 months of 2022, the number of "notification of change of address " service transactions amounted to approximately 12.3 million.
  • By offering the service through the e-Government Gateway, applicants saved approximately 56.4 million USD in application costs and 24.7 million hours of time.
  • In the first 10 months of 2022, the number of transactions for "obtaining a residence certificate with barcode" was approximately 61.9 million. By offering the service through the e-Government Gateway, applicants saved approximately 279.5 million USD in application costs and 123.8 million hours of time.
  • The 3 most used modules within the My Residence are Subscription Services, Debt Inquiry Services and Institutional Services.

Challenges and Failures

My Residence service requires seamless cohesion, both technically and administratively. The biggest challenge was to ensure effective and agile inter-agency coordination. To achieve this coordination, each service of the separate agencies was analyzed for their integration capabilities. The challenge was turned into an opportunity and the existing service delivery structure was transformed into an integrated and personalized service delivery model for address-based services under "My Residence" service. The coordination process required a great deal of effort and efficient use of human resources. While the services were provided by different organizations, each organization's IT staff would step in when there was an access problem. However, after integration, any access problem can be detected directly via e-Government and intervened without wasting time.

Conditions for Success

  • Supporting IT infrastructures
  • Interoperability
  • Willingness to change business processes
  • Administrative-technical integration
  • Effective data governance
  • Abandoned silo mentality
  • Digital literacy


This type of integrated services paved the way for other institutions to integrate their services and cooperate with different institutions. For example, work on the development of a new integrated service under the title of "Military Services" has begun in cooperation with the Ministry of National Defence. In addition, these kind of services will enable the e-government platform to be more proactive and personalized in time. Embedding Artificial Intelligence (AI) based public services which are in preparation phase in e-Government Gateway will support this process.

Lessons Learned

Difficulties were experienced during the matching activity on which addresses are included in the territorial boundaries set for some utility services. Therefore, efforts are now being made to match address records with the service zones of, for example, natural gas and water companies.

Supporting Videos


  • Implementation - making the innovation happen
  • Evaluation - understanding whether the innovative initiative has delivered what was needed
  • Diffusing Lessons - using what was learnt to inform other projects and understanding how the innovation can be applied in other ways

Innovation provided by:


Date Published:

27 November 2023

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