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DYPA, the Hellenic Public Employment Service (former OAED) has developed myDYPAapp, a mobile application that provides citizens with access to DYPA’s online services from their mobile phones. It was launched in February 2021, as an adaptation of DYPA’s services to new needs and modern technology that require the digitization of services, interaction and immediacy in serving citizens’ needs. myDYPAapp is innovative as it includes a wide range of user interaction possibilities with DYPA.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

In today’s world citizens prefer to use their mobile phone to access all online services, because it is easily available and more familiar to users who are unfamiliar with the use of a computer or do not have a computer at all.
On this basis, myDYPAapp mobile application has been created and launched in February 2021 providing citizens with access to DYPA’s electronic services from their mobile phones. Apple (iphone), Google (Android) and Huawei platforms are supported by the application.
So the main objectives for myDYPAapp is to facilitate the access of users to DYPA’s services featuring the best possible provision of services and user experience to citizens. It is frequently updated with new versions when DYPA procedures and services are modified. It was created by a group of DYPA executives and a development team in accordance with the general operational needs and objectives of the Hellenic Public Employment Service.
The application is addressed to all citizens (for specific purposes), but mainly the job seekers. It is user friendly and familiar especially to the young people who use mobile phones extensively in the daily lives.
Citizens can use myDYPAapp in order to:
• Issue their unemployment card
• Renew their unemployment card easily and quickly
• Find the record/history of unemployment cards
• Apply for official documents or certifications with the abilty to receive them in their personal e-mails in order to have immediate access to documents they need
• Check and edit ther resume/CV details, as well as upload their resume/CV file with the ability to send it to potential employers
• Be informed about the news of DYPA (e.g. new employment programmes, education programmes, benefits)
• Find the location of a local DYPA agency close to them
• Contact DYPA’s specialized staff by means of contact forms
• Find the history of their applications and certifications
The services provided by myDYPAapp initially concerned e-services provided for PCs. It was deemed useful as well as necessary to redesign these e-services in order to become more user-friendly as well as suitable for mobile use.
The implementation process involved the frequent production of new application versions with increasing coverage of the services provided, continuous improvements and bug fixes. Every new version of the application was reviewed by DYPA’s executive team in order to highlight possible problems and the development team proceeded to issue a new augmented and corrected version. Special electronic forms for monitoring problems, bugs and suggestions were used by DYPA’s executive team and answered by the development team. Before the launch of the application, citizens’ testing was not done, as DYPA used relevant experience from the project on e-services. After the launch of the application, citizens can provide continuous feedback by means of a feedback form provided by the application itself, as well as by users’ comments published in Google and Apple stores. Citizens’ feedback is used by the teams working on the project in order to improve the application, as well as update and readjust it to every relevant modification of the legal framework of Public Administration, so that the services provided are updated and functional with the possibility of extending the repertoire of services provided to citizens and meet future needs.
So far myDYPAapp has been installed on more than 59.000 mobiles and has served thousands of jobseekers.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

myDYPAapp is a unique innovation for public service standards because it allows many functions to be performed at the same time, e.g. submission of applications, renewal of unemployment cards, receipt of supporting documents and update of Cvs. The added value of the innovation is the fact that it makes the entire DYPA information system for the job seekers available on citizens’ mobile phones. In addition, myDYPAapp is not just an informative application, it does not provide a very limited user interaction as it is usual for public administration applications, but it provides a wide range of possibilities and services when needed at the convenience of one’s mobile phone, thus avoiding movement to DYPA’s agencies at specific hours, long queues, and crowds. Moreover, myDYPAapp provides the possility of connection to the data of taxisnet (the information system of the Hellenic Taxation Authorities) and access to a multitude of information and functions.

What is the current status of your innovation?

myDYPAapp interoperates with DYPA’S existing information infrastructure. Two working groups, one comprised of DYPA executives and the development working group, continue to cooperate even after the launch of the innovation. Feedback from citizens is being continually received. Feedback is provided in the form of feedback forms provided by the application itself, as well as by users’ comments published in Google and Apple stores. In December 2021 a huge change took place in the DYPA’s information systems, due to the adoption of ESCO European classification, so it was deemed necessary to suspend the operation of the application for a few weeks. Various problems arise from time to time, which are dealt with by the cooperation of the working groups.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

DYPA held a call_for_tender for a Contractor that would develop the application. Two joint working groups were established, a DYPA’s executives group and one by the contractor company (development_group). The company developed the product while the DYPA group provided specifications, directions, testing, project management. After the release of myDYPAapp, a new tender was held and a new contractor was chosen to support the application to this day with the same structure of joint working groups.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

myDYPAapp is addressed to all citizens (for specific purposes), but mainly the job seekers. It is user friendly and familiar especially to the young people who use mobile phones extensively in their daily lives, as well as citizens without access to a personal computer.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

An indication of the positive response the application has received from the public is the increasing number of installations of the application in the last two years, as follows:
• 30.000 installations in 2021,
• 59.000+ installations in 2022
It is noted that in the context of DYPA’s planning, the implementation of a user satisfaction measurement mechanism is included, regarding the services provided to citizens/businesses. This mechanism measures - also user satisfaction regarding the functions of myDYPAapp.

Challenges and Failures

The creation of myDYPAapp is an adaptation of DYPA’s services to the new needs of users and to modern technological developments that require the digitization of services according to citizens’ needs, interaction and immediacy in serving them.
In today’s world citizens prefer to use their mobile phone to access all online services, because it is easily available and more familiar to users who are unfamiliar with the use of a computer or do not have a computer at all. Therefore, it is a new digital product, that improves DYPA’s delivery of services, and promotes DYPA’s interaction and communication with citizens. In particular, it improves user experience in relation to DYPA's electronic services ("eservices") which have an older technological generation of aesthetics.

Conditions for Success

Necessary conditions for the success of an innovation such as myDYPAapp are:
1.Τhe strong commitment of PES leadership to engage in innovation actions like myDYPAapp in accordance with the Strategic Planning of the Public Employment Service and the general priority of digitalisation in the government agenda.
2.Meeting citizens needs is an important condition to make an application like myDYPAapp successful. In this direction, features such as (a) a user-friendly interface and (b) fast provision of services to citizens without requiring their presence in specific locations (e.g. local agencies) are very helpful.
3. Continuous maintenance, support and update of the application taking into consideration feedback from users, and relevant changes in technology, legislation and public administration. Without these conditions the application runs the risk of becoming obsolete. However, these conditions are closely related to having human and financial resources to devote to them.


The application is constantly evolving since electronic services provided by the public sector need to be updated and adapted to every modification of the legal framework of Public Administration. The number of users is constantly increasing. Mobile applications are constantly expanding in private enterprises as well as in the Public Sector. Until now, there have been no instances of replicating the application by other Public Services or private bodies. Within DYPA’s Strategic Framework for Innovation, dissemination and further development actions of DYPA’s innovations are going to be included aiming at the transfer and capitalization of “lessons learned” and knowledge gained.

Lessons Learned

Lessons learned throughout the procedure of design, development, implementation and application of this project are the following:
1. Most digital services provided by public bodies should also be available from mobile phones, because these are more accessible to citizens.
2. When transferring the services from the computer to the mobile, the user interface must be redesigned so that it is more friendly and understandable to the user.
3. Digital services provided by public bodies need to be updated and adapted to every modification of the legal framework of the Public Administration.
4. Continuous maintenance and support of the application is particularly important.
5. It is important to integrate innovation into the strategic planning of the organization that develops innovative services.

Supporting Videos


  • Implementation - making the innovation happen

Innovation provided by:

Date Published:

22 November 2023

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