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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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A new feature on the travel app tells whether our movements overlapped with someone who tested positive for coronavirus. During the nationwide quarantine in the Czech Republic, a private company introduced an app to help stop the virus. The solution compares user's GPS coordinates history with location data of people who tested positively for COVID-19. The system is based on self-reporting. More than 1M volunteers have already given their consent to share their location. The…
A multi-channel strategy to move from a general lock-down due to COVID-19 spreading prevention to more normal life an economic activity. This strategy includes: - call centre software and call centre operators to offload auxiliary calls; - “memory maps” based on the location data from mobile operators and credit card payment data from banks; - a contact-tracing mobile application “eRouska”. This complex national solution was built as a non-profit project, piloted in two regions and…
Unique approach capable to get MASS (million people) and LEGAL (GDPR) knowledge of the flows and mobility of the population of any city, for a control of confinement and a correct de-escalation process. It is allowed to know in real time the capacity and mobility in the main public areas, transportation systems, buildings (high accurate in both outdoor or indoor scenarios), with the possibility of detecting real-time breaches of de-escalation and confinement rules at any moment. Simultaneously,…
Innovation Norway has allocated NOK 178 million in an effort to support the country’s internal tourism industry, amid the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), the Norwegian Business Ministry announced this week. The main purpose of the move is to promote Norwegian tourism to Norwegians. The Ministry hopes that the citizens will choose their closest holiday country for this summer, under Government approval. The Minister of Trade and Industry asked Innovation Norway to make its marketing the new…
The close contacts under self-quarantine are linked to their one-on-one assigned government staff through an innovative ‘safety protection app,’ which allows the staff to monitor their symptoms twice a day, and be alerted when self-quarantine orders are broken. This tracking of the phone’s GPS location is done only with the consent of the close contacts. Those under self-isolation are banned from leaving the country regardless of whether or not they develop symptoms. Those violating…
The National Association of City Transportation Officials has created a COVID-19 Transportation Response Center. City governments and transit agencies are on the front lines of responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and are rapidly developing policies and projects for this emergency. NACTO will continually update this webpage with guidance and tools, including: Rapid response tools for cities, with implementation strategies City transportation action updates from around the world Webinars,…
Milan is to introduce one of Europe’s most ambitious schemes reallocating street space from cars to cycling and walking, in response to the coronavirus crisis. Under the nationwide lockdown, motor traffic congestion has dropped by 30-75%, and air pollution with it. City officials hope to fend off a resurgence in car use as residents return to work looking to avoid busy public transport. The city has announced that 35km (22 miles) of streets will be transformed over the summer, with a rapid,…
Indie Wellington is an online resource sharing details of cafes, shops, salons and other businesses which sell online or provide gift cards. The idea is for locals to show their support financially by purchasing a gift card from the business, which they can use in future once the crisis settles down. Local, independent businesses in Wellington can be listed on the website for free, and Bolton, the hotel who set up the site, isn't taking any commission from the sales. Some of the shops already…