Toolkit Navigator

about this resource
A compendium of toolkits for public sector innovation and transformation, curated by OPSI and our partners around the world.
How it works
OPSI’s Toolkit Navigator provides a pathway to hundreds of freely available innovation toolkits, developed by authors in the public, private, academic and not-for-profit sectors. Whether you want to learn something, create something, or connect with others, the resource will guide you to toolkits, people and information needed to get you started.
It provides information about common methodologies used for public sector innovation, links to relevant government case studies applying these methodologies and access to a network of public sector innovators. The Toolkit Library contains resources suggested by the innovation community, community reviews and, where the publisher agrees, the editable source files for you to download and adapt to your own context.
The Library also includes toolkits from other sources. At OPSI, we do our best to give accurate credit and link to publishers. However, in some cases we may not have had access to the best information. If you can help clarify sources or amend our information, please email us.

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Game-based toolkits
Games can create a sense of play, which allows for a more exploratory approach that invites people to break from the typical constraints we tend to apply to new ideas and possibilities.
Highly adaptable toolkits
Adapting something to a new context builds expertise and practice. Some toolkit publishers license their resource for you to adapt and remix it as well as provide editable source files.
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More about the Toolkit Navigator
Toolkits are a great way to share innovative methods and practices. A plethora of free innovation toolkits, playbooks and guides exist to help people identify, develop and practice necessary skills and apply new ways of reaching an outcome. We built this Toolkit Navigator, a sort of “meta-toolkit” to help you find the ones best suited to you and your situation.
The Toolkit Navigator provides a pathway to the hundreds of freely available innovation toolkits created by authors in the public, private, academic and not-for-profit sectors. Based on your needs—whether you want to learn something, create something, or connect with others—the resource will guide you to toolkits, people, and information to get you started.
The Toolkit Navigator contains information about common methodologies used for public sector innovation, as well as links to relevant government case studies involving those methodologies in practice and access to a network of public sector innovators. The toolkit library contains those that were suggested by the innovation community (if you have one to add, please share it), community reviews, and, where the publisher agrees, the editable source files for you to download and adapt to your own context.
The Toolkit Navigator includes toolkits that come from other sources. We have done our best to give accurate credit, and link to publishers, but in some cases we may not have had access to the best information. If you can help clarify sources or amend our information, please email us.
The meta-toolkit is a European Commission H2020 project developed by the OPSI team. The meta-toolkit is in beta form and was developed through an iterative process involving user research and usability testing with public sector staff. Initial research occurred during 2016-2017 and the beta resource was launched in 2018. Learn about our process.
If you have time an expertise in a particular practice, consider writing a review for a toolkit in the library. Your reviews help others know the benefits and limitations of toolkits. We prefer reviews be about toolkits you have used. Browse all toolkits.
If you have you reused or adapted an existing toolkit or know of a toolkit we forgot about, add it to the library. We prefer tools and toolkits that are:
- freely accessible (including those available in exchange for an email address)
- interesting for the public sector
- are about stimulating action.
Seeking partnerships
OPSI is currently seeking partnerships for the long-term product development of the Toolkit Navigator as well as content curation partners who can help us ensure that we are evolving along with innovation practices. If you have resources or expertise to contribute, please contact us.