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myHealth mobile app

As part of a comprehensive strategy for the Digital Transformation of Health services in Greece, IDIKA which is a supervised body of the Ministry of Digital Governance, developed the myHealth mobile application. Via myHealth mobile app, citizens have access to their health data. MyHealth app introduces a set of modern health services to Greek citizens, reduces bureaucracy, ensures transparency, and lays the foundations for the development of new health and social security digital services.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

ΜyHealth mobile app is an innovation as it is the first public mobile application in Greece, as an integrated service to the citizen, facilitating access to health services by providing ease of use and transparency and laying the foundations for the development of new digital health and social security services. MyHealth app is available for Android and iOS smartphones and integrates information for citizens, so they have full access to their individual health data.

MyHealth app interoperates with nationwide eHealth Information Systems, such as the ePrescription System, the Medical Certificates System, the National Vaccination Registry and the Medical Appointments System and provides the citizens access to their own and their protected members health data. Citizens can receive information through push notifications about the next available medicine prescription and diagnostic tests referral, while they have access to information regarding their diagnosis and medication through the prescription.

Parents and guardians have access to children's digital prescriptions and their regular vaccination schedule. It also provides reliable and valuable information such as notifications for preventive medical tests and medical appointments. Through myHealth mobile app, citizens can:

  • Manage their Drug Prescriptions
    • Overview their active drug prescriptions
    • Overview their dispensed drug prescriptions
    • See a list of drug prescriptions with summary details of each one of them (Prescription code, period of validity, number of drugs, type of prescription, etc.)
    • By selecting a prescription or a medicine, detailed information is displayed for each of them respectively
    • Selecting the Barcode of the prescription leads to a full screen display, so easier barcode scanning is achieved in the pharmacy
    • Receive important information about their medication
  • Manage their Diagnostic Tests Referrals
    • Overview of their active diagnostic tests referrals
    • Overview of their dispensed diagnostic tests referrals
    • List of diagnostic tests referrals with summary information for each one of them (Referral code, period of validity, category of diagnostic tests, number of diagnostic tests, etc.)
    • By selecting a referral or a diagnostic test, detailed information is displayed for each of them respectively
    • Selecting the Barcode of the Referral leads to a full screen display, so easier barcode scanning is achieved in the diagnostic center
  • Receive important information about their diagnostic tests
  • Be facilitated in their interface with pharmacies and diagnostic centers
  • Receive significant notifications regarding drug prescriptions and diagnostic tests referrals, such as the approach of the expiry date of these
  • Manage personal data and the data of the user's protected members as well
  • Manage Medical Certificates
    • Overview Medical Certificates with summary details for each one of them (Medical Certificate barcode, period of validity, purpose of administration, etc.)
    • By selecting a Medical Certificate, detailed information is displayed (Barcode, Doctor’s Details, Health Unit, Content of the Medical Certificate, Status of the Medical Certificate)
  • Manage user's children’s vaccinations
    • Overview of their children performed and scheduled vaccinations
    • Notifications and reminders for scheduling a new vaccination
  • Have reliable and valuable information such as notifications for preventive medical tests and medical appointments

As a next step we plan to enrich myHealth with diagnostic tests results and hospital discharge letters. It is the first time that citizens have access to their own health data via their mobile device and our vision is to enrich further this data, so that eventually myHealth will evolve so that citizens can access their entire electronic health record via their mobile device.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

This is the first time in our country that the citizens have access via a mobile application to their health data and they can

  • Manage their Drug Prescriptions
  • Manage their Diagnostic Tests Referrals
  • Be facilitated in their interface with healthcare providers
  • Receive important information and push notification concerning their prescriptions, vaccinations and medical appointments

MyHealth mobile application has been implemented in such a way that it can be easily enriched by other sources of health data, through appropriate interoperability, so that citizens can gradually access more information, and ultimately via myHealth citizens can access their entire individual electronic health record.

What is the current status of your innovation?

MyHealth mobile application was implemented by IDIKA and was launched in August 2021. Currently MyHealth app provides citizens access to their health data, concerning drug prescriptions, diagnostic tests referrals, medical certificates, children’s vaccinations and medical appointments. In the near future, citizens will have access to their diagnostic tests results and their hospital discharge letters. Additional data will gradually be added to the application, so that citizens can access all their information in one place, quickly, easily and reliably.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

The application was implemented by IDIKA with the partnership of the consortium of contractors OTE-BYTE using specialized ORACLE services and tools.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

Through myHealth mobile app, citizens have access to all their electronic drug prescriptions, diagnostic test referrals, medical certificates and children’s vaccinations, registered for their Social Security Number (AMKA).

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

So far about 300.000 citizens have installed the application in their cell phones. MyHealth is visible to Greek citizens, who have already integrated the new digital tools to their everyday life.


The application will gradually be enriched with more data so that users have access in all the information related to them in an easy, fast and reliable way through a unique access channel. Citizens' access to their data is very important and essential nowadays. In particular, citizens' access to their health data, on the one hand, promotes transparency, and on the other hand, facilitates better management of their health.

MyHealth mobile app seems simple and its simplicity is what makes it so important and useful for citizens. Similar solutions could be replicated by other countries and also they could be applied to other sections of personal data as well, always taking care to secure personal data.

Lessons Learned

What we learned while developing the myHealth mobile app was that apps aimed at citizens should be simple, understandable and easy to use.
The simpler they are, the greater their impact and the more they will benefit both citizens and the state.

Anything Else?

IDIKA was awarded for developing the MyHealth application, in the context of the World Conference on Innovation and Technology of WITSA. In particular, the distinction concerns the 1st prize in the "Innovative Health Solutions" category for the Public Sector. The award was received by the President and Managing Director of IDIKA. The WITSA World Innovation and Technology Conference was held for the year 2022 in Malaysia, with the participation of more than 4,000 delegates from over 80 countries.

Year: 2021
Level of Government: National/Federal government


  • Implementation - making the innovation happen

Innovation provided by:

Date Published:

21 November 2023

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