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A citizen-oriented public service for occupational injuries

co-creation workshop ATP 10

This project aimed to translate new legislation on occupational injuries into a citizen-oriented service journey, helping those injured at work to re-enter the workforce through education. Through co-creation, we designed the future customer journey, designing a unified service that involved various stakeholders.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

Effective July 1, 2024, Denmark will implement a new workers' compensation act aimed at facilitating the return of individuals with work-related injuries to the workforce. A key component of this legislation is the "Education Compensation" program, a voluntary retraining initiative for those with permanent disabilities of at least 10% resulting from occupational injuries. This program targets individuals who are currently unemployed and unable to resume full-time work in their previous field.

The development of this innovative program was driven by a comprehensive understanding of core problems, achieved through a combination of qualitative interviews with citizens and stakeholders, and supplemented by quantitative data. This multi-faceted approach ensured a thorough grasp of the challenges faced by individuals with work-related injuries.

Collaborative Development Process:

Two workshops were conducted involving key stakeholders, including municipalities, unions, insurance companies, occupational medicine clinics, The Labour Market Insurance, The Danish Working Environment Authority, The National Association of Municipalities, and The Danish Agency for Labour Market and Recruitment (STAR). These workshops utilized innovative design methods to address challenges and develop solutions collectively, emphasizing a user-centric approach throughout the process.

Workshop 1: Focused on establishing a common language, shared understanding of the domain, and presenting data to highlight citizens' experiences. Stakeholders explored future trends impacting occupational injuries using citizen-centric data and insights.

Workshop 2: Concentrated on designing the Education Compensation service from a citizen's perspective, visualizing an ideal user journey. This approach ensured that the program was tailored to meet the actual needs of its intended beneficiaries.

The primary objective of the Education Compensation program is to simplify access to retraining opportunities for individuals with work-related injuries, promoting inclusivity and efficient data use. By focusing on those with permanent disabilities due to work-related injuries seeking sustainable workforce reentry, the program aims to provide targeted support where it's most needed.

The innovation represents a progressive step in supporting those affected by occupational injuries. The goal is to institutionalize the service using innovation and design thinking tools, creating a more responsive and effective support system. This approach not only benefits the individuals directly affected by work-related injuries but also contributes to a more inclusive and adaptive labor market.

By integrating collaborative stakeholder engagement, data-driven decision making, and a user-centric design approach, the Education Compensation program exemplifies a new paradigm in workers' compensation and occupational rehabilitation. It demonstrates how innovative policy-making can address complex societal challenges while prioritizing the needs of citizens.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

The innovation involves the translation and implementation of new legislation within occupational injury, benefiting citizens who have been injured at work. By offering a cohesive service through a well-designed customer journey, the innovation aims to streamline the process for the injured individuals and stakeholders. By using a design-driven methodology and fostering cross-functional ownership, it not only addresses challenges like labour shortage and better connection to the labour market for individuals, but also ensures a sustainable and effective implementation of the legislation, making it a forward-thinking and adaptive solution.

What is the current status of your innovation?

Presently, we are integrating findings from both the exploratory phase and collaboratively developed solutions into our forthcoming service. The solutions, co-created to address identified issues, are undergoing testing and validation to assess their feasibility, viability, and desirability. This evaluation involves active engagement with stakeholders, and the intention is to extend the testing phase to include citizens.

Among the solutions currently undergoing testing and piloting are the implementation of intelligent data models spanning multiple sectors and the establishment of a single-entry point for citizens to track their specific cases. Additionally, we are experimenting with written and visual communication directed at citizens, disseminating information about the Education Compensation service across various platforms.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

Municipalities: Citizens’ situation, former job, education, condition and the citizen's possibility of returning to work.
Insurance companies: Compensation, payment and documentation of treatment related to work injuries e.g., physiotherapy.
Unions: Represents citizens in their work injury case and supports the citizens with legal assistant. Provides sparring about the current and potential future work situation, rights regarding work injuries.
Work Environment Authority: Drafts legislation.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

Citizen: Better service offering help faster, personal and holistic service and a faster process.
Unions, Insurance companies and Labour Market Insurance: Customize services to customer needs and more efficient process.
Municipalities: Better understanding of citizen and faster case processing.
Occupational Medicine Clinics: Early involvement which leads to better treatment.
Work Environment Authority: Understand how legislation affects citizens and other actors' process, to fit new legislation.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

Understanding citizens' experiences helped the Work Environment Authority (AT) see the impact of current laws and future changes. AES effectively influenced legislation by showcasing its effects on people. Design-driven teamwork led to solutions addressing broad issues across authorities and private sector (wicked problems). And the co-created coherent user journey across authorities and private sector ensured that citizens receive improved services while actors collaborate efficiently, saving resources. Actors prioritized citizens’ needs, resulting in innovative solutions previously unexplored. We create a standard for response time for phone and written inquiries. We regularly measure this, along with ongoing customer satisfaction assessments.

Challenges and Failures

  • The co-created solutions must be operated across actors requiring strong commitment and leadership to further develop solutions that cross actors.
  • Laws change with shifting political views. To include citizens' perspectives in new solutions, employees with design skills must ensure this viewpoint is represented.
  • Creating comprehensive solutions together requires widespread participation. It's tough to help employees from different backgrounds grasp design tools. Throughout the project, we've held numerous discussions with both management and participants to clarify needs.
  • Our organization operates on an agile system (SAFe), requiring resource booking three months ahead. Aligning it with the design-driven approach has been a challenge.

Conditions for Success

1. Time and money to continuously test, develop and fully implement the new process for the service to ensure that citizens, the different involved actors and the employees from the Labour Market Insurance is involved throughout the development and final implementation.
2. Commitment from leadership to continue to stress, emphasize and ensure that we continue to have the perspective of the citizen to ensure that everything we do and develop is, first and foremost, in the interest of the citizen and not the involved actors.
3. Committed resources from the Labour Market Insurance that can continue to drive the collaboration between the different actors that have been involved in the process so far


The innovation has not yet been replicated. But there is potential for doing this for both the Labour Market Insurance and other public institutions while involving other relevant public and private stakeholders.

The design-driven approach and methods to co-create the future of a public service can be replicated. More specifically by involving relevant stakeholders and ensuring a citizen-centric perspective. This way the collective knowledge from all actors are brought into play to create a service that will make it easier to be a citizen receiving public benefits.

The project thereby functions as a “recipe” for how new legislation can be translated to a citizen-centric service where the different actors have co-created the service

Lessons Learned

It is crucial to ensure that the right people are invited to the co-creation workshops. People that have deep insight and knowledge of the citizens, their own organisation and can take the insights from the workshops with them to their organisation. The recruitment process is of high importance and will be more time consuming than what you might expect

Gathering people from different organisations and institutions is of great value in and of itself. We do not know what others are doing and what we each expect of the citizen. It was an eye opener for everyone that everyone “bombards” the citizen asking for the same information several times instead of reusing it. There is a positive attitude towards working in user-centric ways.


  • Generating Ideas or Designing Solutions - finding and filtering ideas to respond to the problem or opportunity
  • Developing Proposals - turning ideas into business cases that can be assessed and acted on

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Date Published:

1 July 2024

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