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Mobile Operators provide the government’s emergency task force with anonymised and aggregated movement data to better monitor the effectiveness of the protection measures. All based on the GDPR and national data protection rules.  The Austrian Red Cross has developed the “stop corona” app. The use is on a voluntary basis. It allows an anonymised digital handshake (active storage of contacts) between mobile handsets. If a user gets infected, then they can send an anonymised warning via the…
The Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs launched the initiative “Digital Team Austria” in order to support SMEs in meeting the requirements for digital and mobile working in times of the Corona crisis. The Digital Team Austria is a cooperation of companies from the digitization sector offering digital services to SME free of charge for at least three months. The package includes the provision of video conferencing tools, Office licenses and security solutions for home office as…
Digital marketplace to support local/regional customers and retailers. The marketplace provides orientation for all customers as an overview of nationwide and regional shopping platforms. Moreover, the digital marketplace offers comprehensive support for retailers on how to build their own e-shop or how to use Austrian online marketplaces such as shö,,,, etc. On the retailer side, the focus is primarily on family businesses, one person companies as…
The Epidemiological Reporting System (Epidemiologisches Meldesystem, EMS) is the register established by §4 of the Austrian Epidemic Law. It is the central public information system for handling the Corona crisis (see: In an EU context, the system is unique in its comprehensiveness. It not only connects all levels of Austrian health administration. In addition, since 2014, all laboratories are obliged by law to report laboratory…
The Swiss parliament has backed the government’s request for nearly 1.9 billion Swiss francs ($1.97 billion) in aid for the struggling aviation sector crippled by the coronavirus pandemic, but said carriers must meet environmental targets. The lower house of the parliament linked approval of the package to assurances that the carriers would adhere to future government climate targets. Aviation bailout funds are to be used only for Swiss infrastructure. The government forbade dividends or other…