The ILO's Social Protection Monitor presents the latest policy trends based on media announcements on social protection measures. This special report covers social protection responses throughout the world to the COVID-19 crisis between February and April 2020.
ILO’s Social Protection Monitor is based on media/news published online. The Monitor tracks announcements of social protection measures, defined as any policy decision that affects the functioning of a social protection system, from…
COVID-19 Innovative Response Tracker
Search and filter through innovative COVID-19 solutions from around the world
This website, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
Hack the Crisis Norway is an online hackathon set up to meet the challenges our society is facing as a result of the coronavirus. The event is organised by volunteers from the tech and startup community in Norway.
In a hackathon, people come together to create solutions and concepts from scratch in a short amount of time. Over the course of a weekend, people all over Norway joined forces to create innovative solutions to the corona crisis. Anyone could participate in Hack the Crisis Norway,…
Denmark is one of the world’s most digitized countries, acknowledged for its cooperation between academia, NGOs and the public and private sectors. We are inviting tech entrepreneurs, social workers, teachers, NGOs, public sector employees, companies, students, retirees – basically everyone in Denmark and abroad who want to help us identify and solve challenges that are appearing during the COVID-19 crisis.
The idea was to search for ideas with a special focus on containment of…
Covid-19 Response
To reassure children, NZ Prime Minister declares Easter Bunny an essential worker.
New Zealand has declared that the Easter Bunny is an essential worker ahead of Easter. The Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern used a daily press conference to assure kids that they would still be getting easter eggs for Easter.
Slovenia have established an official singel hot stop for Covid-19 with all current documents and information from both their national government and the EU.
It collects information published by the Slovenian government as well as by the European Commission in one place for citizens to access the most reliable informtation possible.
Offering assistance of volunteers to anyone who is in the risk group or quarantine in order to purchase basic necessities and groceries or to provide other kinds of essential support in order for you to be able to stay at home. The platform connects those who need help with those who want to help.
The team Shield 48 won the HackForce hackathon that took place 17-19 March with its design and plan to manufacture and supplie face shields to medical professionals during the COVID-19 health crisis. Subsequent to the hackathon, Shield48 has already manufactured 10,000 face shields to Latvian state medics according to the contract with the Latvian National Health Service and delivered to Latvian hospitals. With a new grant, Shield48 plans to use the loan to cover the future costs of raw…
A chatbot specifically on/for Covid-19
This AI-powered digital assistant is for supporting citizens during this pandemic, allowing them to ask questions about the disease and, eventually, to avoid infections by the new coronavirus by not leaving the house. Based on Artificial Intelligence, through the algorithms provided by the Directorate-General for Health, it aims to make an initial screening to its users and to understand what is the best approach they might adopt.
The service is available free of charge through a website and…
A group of volunteers, made up from more than 4.300 people from 250 different companies and various fields of work, working towards a common goal: unite Portuguese talent in the development of technological solutions that help the population overcoming the challenge of COVID-19. Many projects have already been launched and others are in the pipeline. To name a few:
● An app with up-to-date technical info for medical doctors;
● A fundraising campaign;
● An app with free of charge video…