The Covid-19 rapid response innovation fund is an agile and adaptive initiative to support development of innovative solutions (including STEM-based, social/behavioural science) that can have rapid demonstrable impact on the current COVID-19 crisis in Ireland.
COVID-19 Innovative Response Tracker
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The Irish Tax Authorities are operating a Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme. The scheme, enables employees, whose employers are affected by the pandemic, to receive significant supports directly from their employer through their payroll system. The scheme is expected to last 12 weeks from 26 March 2020.
The Australian Government is preparing a suite of citizen-facing digital information products and services, amongst other measures being taken to address the health and economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. To date, these include: a national website ( with regular information updates, a mobile application, a voluntary self-isolation reporting service, and a WhatsApp advice channel.
As a federal state, Australia is coordinating a national response to the pandemic across…
An automatic screening tool for people who suspect they might be infected with coronavirus is available for the residents and visitors of Mexico City through several channels: via SMS (free of charge), Facebook Messenger, doing an online test or calling the non-emergency number (Locatel). The aim is to monitor potential patients and provide follow-up to the cases of people whose symptoms worsen, in order to give them better attention and work to contain the spread of the pandemic in Mexico…
The Innovation Fund designed and launched a public call for Serbian SMEs offering innovative projects that could be rapidly deployed and scaled up to combat the spreading negative effects of the coronavirus. The Fund provides up to 50k EUR per project, but no more than 85% of total costs. The initiative came from the office of the Prime minister of the Republic of Serbia. The IF used a 3-member independent investment committee (comprised of a PhD chemical engineer dealing in tissue regen, an…
Single Government COVID-19 Helpline 8345 aims to ensure that people in Latvia have an opportunity to receive a cost-free consultation on various specific Covid-19 related issues through a single line. It improves client experience with better communication design since there is single access point (via telephone) to get answers to frequently asked questions. Furthermore, for more detailed answers client is connected to the most appropriate organisation to get an answer/consultation. Helpline…
Covid-19 Response
Village Emergency Response Team to battle COVID-19 through social, economic and financial support…
A village in Yogyakarta regency, Indonesia, formed a COVID-19 emergency response team, the ‘Panggungharjo Tanggap’ COVID-19 (PTC), which mitigates the prevention, treatment and management of the COVID-19 disaster in a strategic way, based on empirical data and in close cooperation with its citizens.
The PTC, which is formally established through a village decree, maps the conditions of the people and bases programs to mitigate social and economic threats on the result of these data. The…
In order to discuss and vote on important issues during the new coronavirus pandemic, the Federal Senate was the first parliament in the world to hold its first deliberative session for remote voting on 20 March.
On March 24, the House implemented the Remote Deliberation System (SDR). Through the platform, parliamentarians can debate and vote via video and audio. The system, which can be used both on a cell phone and on a personal computer, can serve the voting needs of the National Congress.…
One of the measures adopted by the Senate to inform and assist in the fight against the new coronavirus was the provision of an online chat so that employees can ask questions, with doctors of the House, about covid-19.
The demands, answered exclusively by messages, are answered from 7:00 to 19:00, from Monday to Friday. In this way, specialists answer questions such as forms of contagion, symptoms of the disease and advise on the necessary referrals. The action will continue until the situation…
This platform to allow members of the public to ask questions of expert scientists about the coronavirus. Users can search for instant answers to their questions, or click "Ask a scientist a question" to have their question routed to a network of researchers and volunteers who are standing by to assist.