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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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This website, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
The U.S. Digital Response launched March 16 to match data and digital experts with U.S. state and local government teams for rapid response to COVID-19. In two short weeks, more than 2,500 highly-skilled volunteers have signed up and dozens of governments have reached out for support. We are an all-volunteer effort, and we are working to vet volunteers and match their skills and availability with projects to help governments continue delivering critical services such as social safety net…
Innovative response: emergency framework agreement for agencies to procure easily during the COVID emergency, with full disclosure in OCDS format. Colombia has issued an emergency decree about public procurement during the COVID crisis, allowing expedited procedures to procure the necessary goods and services.The National Procurement Agency Colombia Compra Eficiente (CCE) has asked all companies who can supply these critical products to register to be included in this framework agreement. CCE…
The London Office of Technology and Innovation (LOTI) is working to help local government teams across London to share resources and collaborate remotely during the COVID19 crisis. They are co-ordinating a 'Borough Initiatives and Needs' database across London, a document that allows different local teams from across London's boroughs to share their work and good practice. It takes the form of a document open to any and all who wish to share/add details and links to help LOTI better understand…
COVID-19 platform is open to update stats and discloses information related to COVID-19 pandemic. It shows the numbers of infections, geographical tracking of those who caught the virus, the list of hospitals and drive through testing places and among others. Furthermore, the platform shows where face masks and sanitizer can be purchased and how many has been provided on a daily basis since a new measure has been implemented for citizens to purchase up to two masks in five groups to manage its…
Bloomberg Philanthropies and the National League of Cities have launched a 'Local Action Tracker' for coronavirus, that collects and shares actions taken by local US leaders in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The COVID-19: Local Action Tracker will feature a sortable grid detailing the policy decisions and bold actions that city leaders are making to contain the spread of coronavirus and respond to community impact. The tracker aims to document the rapidly expanding ways in which cities…
The Australian Federal Government has launched new digital platforms to ensure that Australians are aware of, and are following, social distancing rules in the time of Coronavirus. This has taken the form of a new app and a WhatsApp chat feature. The app will provide information and resources, and is hoped to act as a "trusted place of advice and information that you and your family and your business can use to understad the decisions and the information...about what is occuring with the…
BrightSpots is a non-profit project supported by internationally renowned organisations and developed by a crack-team of educators, futurists and designers from around the world. Brightspots has three stages: 1- In this first phase, people are invited to share BrightSpots you see in your communities or find online. 2-In this second phase they invite people to get involved in the development of future scenarios where some of our BrightSpots become more luminous. 3-The third phase will be focused…