Frena la curva (Stope the curve in Spanish) is a citizen platform and community where volunteers, entrepreneurs, volunteers, social organisations and makers together with public and open innovation labs collaborate to channel and organize the social energy and resilience to face the COVID19 pandemic. Frena la curva is an answer from civil society that complements the government and essential public social services. It originated in AragĂ³n (Spain) and has organically expanded to many different…
COVID-19 Innovative Response Tracker
Search and filter through innovative COVID-19 solutions from around the world
This website, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
The Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker counts data from 73 countries so far, including China, South Korea, Italy, UK and USA. It will continue to be updated throughout the crisis and is freely accessible.
This new tracker is designed to systematically record government responses worldwide and aggregate the scores into a common ‘Stringency Index’ which they hope will help researchers, policymakers and citizens understand whether increasingly strict measures affect the rate of…
The Harvard Kenedy School Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation has launched a COVID-19 Public Sector Resources platform. This is a resource platform that they curate for public sector practitioners to highlight cases, teaching, policy solutions, and other examples of how governments are responding to the outbreak.
They provide response examples, city leadership advice, resources around elections, as well expert insights.
504,303 people have (at the time of writing) volunteered to help the National Health Service in the UK.
NHS Volunteer Responders has been set up to support the NHS during the COVID-19 outbreak. To do this they need an 'army' of volunteers who can support the 1.5m people in England who are at most risk from the virus to stay well. The doctors, nurses and other professionals will be able to refer people in to NHS Volunteer Responders and be confident that they have been matched with a reliable,…
The Covid symptom tracker allows UK users to self-report symptoms daily in case they think they may have Covid19. It will allow a better understanding of who is at risk, in particular with a geographical dimension, by better understanding the symptoms that are linked to underlying health conditions.
Sophiahemmet University College in Sweden is offering a basic medical training to workers of the SAS airline who are currently out of work. Airline workers are often used to working in high-pressure situations with difficult-to-manage customers, and so theoretically have a calm nature and people-skills that might make them suitable workers for a crisis like coronavirus.
"Innova per l’Italia" is call to companies, universities, public and private research centers, associations, cooperatives, consortia, foundations and institutes which, through their technologies, can contribute to the prevention, diagnostics and monitoring for the containment and contrast of the spread of Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) on the whole national territory. The Innova per l’Italia initiative will be a repository for "calls to action" that will respond to the specific needs of other…
Covid-19 Response
Fast Expert Teams vs COVID-19: How to help Finland avoid paralyzing when experts cannot meet F2F?
Fast Expert Teams vs. COVID-19: How to help Finland avoid paralyzing when experts cannot meet F2F?
Fast Expert Teams-initiative combines volunteer expertise to collaborate effectively across professional and organizational borders from universities, private and public organizations and ministries. Experts use digital tools and collaboration platforms to solve various complex problems that companies, ministries and other organisations are struggling currently.
Diverse expertise is matched for…
Estonia had a hackathon, and from this numerous services have been built. For example we now have a chatbot Suve (, a corona test / symptom tracker (, and a dashboard (
This is a digital hackaton/participatory project aimed at developing, testing and improving solutions to emerging challenges in the corona crisis. Everywhere in Germany, individuals are working on solutions.
Citizens as well as the ministries had the opportunity to submit their challenges until the Thursday before the hackathon. They asked themselves: What are the most pressing challenges we’re currently facing? What are the problems you would like to see solved? The challenges represent the…