The City of Austin launched Data Impact Visuals & Exploration (DIVE) to address low data literacy, limited accessibility, and lack of decision support tools. This project aims to empower diverse users with data skills, tools, and resources to make informed decisions. DIVE benefits community members, City staff, universities and funders. Innovative features include user-centric design, multiple components, a community-based approach and a long-term sustainability plan.
Innovation Tag Opengov: open data
The initiative was developed in response to the dispersion of sources for consulting information on the documents produced by the national government. The solution, a data catalog (datalog), generates an institutional memory of open consultation on different aspects that the outgoing government delivers to the incoming one. The tool is innovative in applying machine learning technologies to process, organize and present a large volume of documentary information in an agile and simple way.
The National Open Data Portal is a single access point for all data produced by public institutions for the purpose of :
- Complying with the provisions of the organic Law on access to information in its section on the proactive publication of public data in open format;
- Promoting the reuse of public data to stimulate innovation and the creation of new value-added services aiming to enhance the economic growth; and
- Strengthening the transparency and integrity of governmental activities.
GovTech Poland has developed world's first challenge based procurement model where the authors of the best idea receive a full implementation contract without the need for an additional cumbersome tender. With the goal of opening procurement to all creative individuals, the model covers the process from identification to implementation. A pilot run, tested in both central and local institutions has increased SME participation in procurement processes by an average of 1600% (in a sample of 250)…
Case Study
Redesigning the U.S. Natural Resources Revenue Data (NRRD) portal homepage to meet user needs

The Natural Resources Revenue Data (NRRD) portal provides open data to the public about revenue generated from extraction of natural resources on public lands and waters. Open data provides transparency into government operations, which gives the public information to back up claims made in the name of social justice. To make our data truly open and useful to the public, we’re going beyond our government mandates to open data and including our users in the design process as our site evolves.
As a criminal court judge I felt the need to implement concrete actions to establish a new way of adjudicating in my country (Argentina) by relying on Open Government’s principles. Among some of the implemented policies, we publish all of the court's decisions, the court hearings' agenda, statistics and reports on the administration of the court and the biographical information of the court's employees. We do so by using our Twitter (@jpcyf13) and YouTube accounts.
MTender is a revolutionary tool which will transform the way public funds are spent in Moldova, a country with a long history of corruption.
The world’s first fully digital public procurement system, MTender uses open data to manage every element of the public contracting system. This enables officials to do their jobs better, citizens to hold the government to account, taxpayers to get a better deal, and businesses to compete on a level playing field.
Case Study
Digital tools to monitor and predict risks in auditing Ukraine’s revolutionary online public…

Ukraine is transforming its public procurement system to bring public procurement into the open, so citizens get a better deal and government runs smoothly. EBRD has supported the Ukrainian government to develop a new legal framework, and to develop cutting edge tools which can process vast amounts of procurement data in real time. State auditors can now quickly & pre-emptively spot risks or inefficiencies in the system and address them. It is the first innovation of this kind in the world.
MEData is the strategy for providing, appropriating and using the public data of Medellin. It will become the official information source of the city, where citizens will have constant and reliable data that can be used to generate knowledge, promote technological innovation and boost economy. it is the first government platform that integrates strategic information sources into a big data technology and automatically synchronizes them with an open data portal.
The promotion of competition has been identified as one of the major challenges of the Public Procurement System in Colombia. Despite its importance, it was only in 2019 that a tool allowing to effectively monitor the participation of the interested parties on the bidding processes was developed and implemented by the Colombian Procurement Agency. Thanks to this tool, participants are able to diagnose flaws, and make suggestions or requests for improvements.