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AI and geospatial data to protect against wildfires

Artificial Intelligence - Burn scar with intercepted spans

Wildfires is one of the main causes of blackouts in Brazil. To monitor the thousands of Brazilian Transmission Lines (TLs), ANEEL created the GGT System, which consists of a tool that uses Artificial Intelligence and satellite images processing to preventively inspect the maintenance of TLs against wildfires. With the GGT System, there was a 89% reduction in shutdowns caused by wildfires, representing a great improvement in the reliability of the electricity offered to the Brazilian population.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

The Geospatial Transmission Management System (GGT System) was launched in 2017 and consists of a tool developed by the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) that aims to monitor, through remote sensing and use of Artificial Intelligence (deep learning), the maintenance carried out by electricity transmission concessionaires in all spans of Transmission Lines (TLs) located in regions with historical incidences of wildfires. The purpose is that the quantities of forced shutdowns due to wildfires are reduced mainly in the TLs monitored by the GGT System, seeking to ensure high levels of safety and reliability in the operation of the National Electric System.

Considering the 51 TLs that had a history of shutdowns due to wildfires in the period between 2013 and 2017 and that started to be monitored from 2017, the year the GGT System started operating, and comparing their performances in this type of cause with the period between 2017 and 2021, it was found that the number of shutdowns in the first period, which had an average annual growth rate of 47%, started to show, in the second period, an average annual decrease rate of 18% (reduction of 65 percentage points). When comparing in 2021 the absolute value projected by the trend line prior to the beginning of the GGT System with the number of shutdowns due to wildfires recorded that year, it appears that the absolute reduction was 83%.

Between 2021 and 2022, a very relevant fact was also found. The absolute number of shutdowns due to wildfires in the group of 51 TLs monitored by the GGT System from 2017 onwards decreased by 29%, while the number of hot spots registered by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) at a distance of up to 1 km from the same TLs increased by 6%. In the TLs that had a history of shutdowns due to wildfires in the period between 2013 and 2017, but which were not included in the monitoring of the GGT System in 2017, which total a group of 307 TLs distributed throughout Brazil, the absolute number of shutdowns due to wildfires decreased by 68% between 2021 and 2022, while the number of hot spots registered by INPE throughout Brazil increased by 9%.

It is concluded that the GGT System has served as an inducer of improvements for the transmission companies to promote improvements in their processes for managing the maintenance of the safety lanes of the TLs under their concessions, improvements whose effects began to be perceived in the performances in the face of burning of the TLs, monitored and not monitored by the GGT System, from the moment the monitoring actions promoted by ANEEL were intensified. Thus, the GGT System presents itself as a very effective Responsive Regulation tool, making use of innovative geoprocessing technologies that seek the rational use of public resources to increase the safety of the operation of the National Electric System.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

The GGT System is an innovation because it is the only monitoring tool that:

  1. Uses Artificial Intelligence algorithms for the processing of satellite images to identify all spans of transmission lines affected by burn scars;
  2. Uses algorithms that automatically detect variations in the amounts of vegetation within each span of the monitored transmission lines, validating, or not, vegetation suppression activities carried out in the field by the transmission companies without the need for displacement by ANEEL’s inspection teams;
  3. Automatically generates monitoring reports containing diagnostics on the adjustments of maintenance performed by the transmission companies in the safety lanes of transmission lines, allowing ANEEL’s inspection teams to act preventively and with enough assertiveness in order to mitigate the risks of blackouts caused by wildfires throughout Brazil.

What is the current status of your innovation?

Currently the following actions are happening:

  1. The information produced by the GGT System is being used to subsidize the issuance of preventive alerts for the transmission companies and to subsidize meetings and inspection processes instructed by ANEEL;
  2. Training is being carried out on the Artificial Intelligence algorithm in order to further improve assertiveness in detecting the scars of the wildfires that intercepted the monitored transmission lines;
  3. Evaluations of the sensitivity of the vegetation suppression detection algorithm are being carried out to verify whether it is possible to increase the validation rates of maintenance performed in the spans of the monitored transmission lines;
  4. The geographical files of new transmission lines that will be included in the permanent monitoring of the GGT System are being validated.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

  1. ANEEL: Federal Regulatory Agency that idealized the project. It has mapped needs, defined objectives and is who actively monitors the results. It uses the information generated to subsidize the processes of responsive inspection that seek to ensure quality in the provision of public electricity transmission services in Brazil.
  2. Imagem Geosistemas: It is the private company contracted by ANEEL to develop the geotechnology solutions necessary for the GGT System.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

  1. ANEEL: Is the main stakeholder. It uses the information generated by GGT to subsidize responsive enforcement actions.
  2. Transmission Companies: Use the information generated by GGT and the alerts issued by ANEEL to improve their transmission line maintenance processes and reduce the risks of blackouts caused by wildfires.
  3. Brazilian electricity consumers: They are the main beneficiaries of the increased reliability in the electricity supply verified since GGT was launched.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

From 2017, when the GGT System was launched, until 2022, there was a 89% decrease in shutdowns caused by wildfires on the monitored transmission lines, although increases in the annual amounts of wildfires have been recorded throughout the country. These data were obtained from routine calculations performed by the Brazilian Electric System Operator (ONS) and the Brazilian Institute for Space Research (INPE). The goal is that the GGT continues to be an inducer of improvements in maintenance management processes adopted by transmission companies, keeping low the amounts of shutdowns of transmission lines due to wildfires, even with the increase in the number of lines in operation in Brazil.

Challenges and Failures

The main challenges faced were:

  1. Make transmission companies aware of the need to increase investments in transmission line maintenances in order to improve the quality of inspections and vegetation suppressions carried out, resulting in greater reliability for the System;
  2. Obtaining geospatial archives of transmission lines on which the geographical coordinates of the towers and spans represent the exact locations in the field, allowing the appropriate processing of satellite images in the areas of interest;
  3. Make the transmission companies send monthly to the GGT informations and photographic evidences that demonstrate the real situations of the maintenances performed in the field for all spans of the monitored transmission lines.

Conditions for Success

The following conditions are required:

  1. Partnership between the public entity, holder of police power, and private entities, holding the technical expertise necessary for the development of a tool using cutting-edge technologies capable of expanding the scope of monitoring and enforcement actions;
  2. The involvement of transmission companies responsible for the proper maintenance of transmission lines and public authorities responsible for supervision;
  3. Creating rules and implementing responsive regulatory procedures that encourage transmission companies to improve their transmission line maintenance management processes.


The innovation undertaken in Brazil by ANEEL with the GGT System can be replicated by regulatory agencies from other countries that also face the same problems of transmission lines shutdowns caused by wildfires. Transmission companies can also replicate the innovative solution developed by ANEEL in order to evaluate, through satellite image processing, the exact extensions of vegetation suppressions performed by field teams, who are often hired specifically for these tasks.

Lessons Learned

Outages of transmission lines due to wildfires were considered as poorly manageable for a long time in Brazil. However, from the moment ANEEL decided to create innovative solutions capable of monitoring in near real time the quality of maintenances carried out by the transmission companies responsible for the concessions of the Brazilian transmission lines, there was a significant improvement in the performance of these lines, resulting in greater reliability in the supply of electricity to the Brazilian population. This demonstrates that it is possible to obtain improvements in the quality of public services delivered when there are effective initiatives by public entities responsible for the national public policies.

Anything Else?

The GGT System presents itself as a very effective Responsive Regulation tool, making use of innovative geoprocessing technologies that seek the rational use of public resources to increase the safety and the reliability of the operation of the Brazilian Electric System.

Year: 2017
Level of Government: National/Federal government


  • Implementation - making the innovation happen
  • Evaluation - understanding whether the innovative initiative has delivered what was needed
  • Diffusing Lessons - using what was learnt to inform other projects and understanding how the innovation can be applied in other ways

Innovation provided by:


Date Published:

11 March 2025

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