The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport introduced an official portal for schools, students and parents with a set of online resources to support them in a new situation, when learning in the classroom is not possible due to anti-epidemic measures. The portal “#nadalku” will soon provide an online assessment guide to ensure that end-of –year exams as well as admission and final exams take place for as many students as possible.
The distance learning of primary-school students during…
Response Tag: Adaptive Action
Covid-19 Response
Czech Ministry of Health provides a daily updated official COVID-19 epidemic information
In the Czech Republic, the Ministry of Health has built a dedicated website on COVID-19 situation providing all important contact details, guidelines, recommendations and information on extraordinary measures related to pandemic situation. Relevant and up-to-date information is available in Czech and English. Besides being a central official information resource for public, the portal provides a collaboration platform for public administration and private companies to help health care…
Hospital restructuring plan of the Secretaría de Salud of Nuevo Leon to increase the care capacity of patients with COVID-19, which includes the equipment of Hospital Metropolitano, Hospital Tierra y Libertad, Hospital de Juárez, Hospital de Montemorelos, Hospital de Sabinas, the creation of a mobile hospital and the adequation of Universidad de Ciencias de la Seguridad as a designated space for the isolation of confirmed patients.
Nuevo León government installed a center where the lines of action that are implemented at the state level will be carried out to confront the global pandemic due to the COVID-19.
Creation of a common front between the governments of Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, Tamaulipas, Durango and Michoacán to define six points to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
Government of Nuevo León developed several technological tools, such as an app within which users can access a daily update on the positive COVID-19 cases that have been identified in the state, as well as the press releases that the state government has issued in relation to COVID-19 and the responses to the pandemic, the Health department also developed a specialized website for the State's Department of Health which contains an integrated chat box and a questionnaire through which users can…
En el estado de Chihuahua, México se han realizado esfuerzos encaminados a proteger la salud de manera prioritaria pero como parte de un programa integral denominado Plan Emergente de Apoyo y Protección a la Salud, Empleo e Ingreso Familiar Chihuahua.
Abarcando los siguentes temas.
1. Fortalecimiento del Sector Salud.
2. Plan Alimentario.
3. Plan Emergente de Ocupación Temporal.
4. Apoyos a MiPyMEs.
5. Estímulos Fiscales y Descuentos en Trámites.
6. Capacitación en Línea para Finanzas y…
SPOTON is an AI powered thermal scanner developed by GovTech in 5 days. SPOTON is built with a complete long-wave infrared (LWIR) camera module that is integrated with RGB camera. It is being progressively deployed to Government Buildings and community facilities. SPOTON was built with the use of affordable hardware and powederd by advanced AI face detection capability that detects only human faces and gives instant readings of up to 10 faces at once. It is easy to use and set up, and is also…
Brazil's Federal Senate has launched a 'Remote Deliberation System' which will allow members to identify, debate and vote remotely. The system is also designed to be replicated by other parliaments.
When a voting session starts, each senator receives a link through their mobile phone (on whatsapp). The link leads to a login page. After logging in, senators can see the options for voting on the current live bills. When a senator chooses one of these, the screen will then automatically prompt the…
The Danish parliament has made a number of adaptations to their parliamentary activity (see: Response to ECPRD request 4354, Adjustment of Parliamentary activity to Covid-19 outbreak, 20 March 2020).
The Danish government has recommended that no more than ten people assemble in Denmark. In light of that fact, the Speaker of the Danish Parliament has made the following decisions with regard to voting in the Danish
• When a call to vote in the Chamber is played on the loudspeaker,…