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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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In response to the challenges imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, several new and innovative solutions started arising all over the world, created by average citizens to solve those challenges and fight this disease. Especially during this time of crises, if these solutions could be medically validated and widely shared, their application could have a big impact and potentially save countless lives. As such, Patient Innovation developed a platform dedicated specifically to the validation and…
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), through Unidade de Computação Científica Nacional (FCCN), reinforced the capacity of the main services provided to the research and higher education community and that ensure distance learning and remote working. The tools made available, namely Colibri Collaboration Platform, allow to set up remote classes, online meetings and information sharing. Since the beginning of march to April 15th, Colibri platform registered 3.7 million hits and more…
The Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (FCT), in collaboration with the Agência de Investigação Clínica e Inovação Biomédica (AICIB), opens a Call for granting 50 (fifty) PhD studentships (BD), focused on research related to this pandemic and its causal agent, SARS-CoV-2. Additionally, FCT will also support a Doctoral School focused on virology, consisting of an annual workshop bringing together international students and researchers.
"Hack COVID-19" An online platform to allow innovators to develop and share their entrepreneurial ideas that will help in dealing with the various problems and challenges posed by the spread of the novel coronavirus epidemic. It is executed as a competition where the five winning ideas will receive financing and support of QR250,000 each, to develop and implement their ideas, as well as several services, advisory programs and incubation services that will help the implementation of the…
Incentive system to support collaborative R&D projects for the creation of new products, processes or systems, or for the introduction of significant improvements in products, processes or systems, relevant in the context of the combat of COVID-19. In this context, Proofs of Concept are supported, aiming at the development of ideas or prototypes that have resulted from R&D projects or that are in progress, and that are close to the market (pre-commercial development). The projects must be…
Support and reimbursable funding for the immediate development of ongoing R&D and technological innovation projects and initiatives developed by technological infrastructures (CIT - Interface Centers and CoLAB - Collaborative Laboratories), which respond to the immediate and medium-term needs of the NHS.
A collaborative effort of over 40 volunteers have been scraping official reports from the state Health Secretariats in order to obtain daily, city-level data about Covid-19 in Brazil. The data is then made available as bulk CSV downloads, as a JSON API as well as a web form on the open data platform. This is the only open data source available for daily Covid-19 data in Brazil that has municipality level granularity.
Fight COVID-19 Online Hackathon is an open collaboration effort in which volunteers, designers, students, researchers, computer scientists, health workers, startups, software developers, business developers and others will cooperate and produce creative solutions which can help fight against the current epidemic of COVID-19. Learn more about our initiative: