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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Academic Research in Healtcare data could help people to know better how expertises in several working teams are managing the information technologies and scientific results that are very important to conduct new empirical experiments and study new skills for increasing the professional figures.
A group of researchers, led by Erik Wengström from Lund University, are offering their own incentives to a small group in order to test if this affects vaccine uptake. In the study, around 8,000 participants were given one of four different incentives. As well as the financial incentive of 200 kronor paid in the form of a gift card, the methods for the other three groups were: information about the vaccines; asking participants to come up with an argument in favour of getting vaccinated; and…
The Global Initiative for Budget Transparency GIFT network with support from the OGP Multi-Donor Trust Fund has created a practical guide to help governments identify the data sets and data fields that should be collected for internal processes and disclosed to ensure transparency is embedded in their COVID-19 policy response and relief packages. Learn more about our guide:
TraffikFlo is a simple to install, easy to use, low cost traffic light to help locations manage capacity limits. We have a retail, restaurant and Caution version that is being used in locations across North America. The sign can be set up anywhere, powered by a power cable or battery pack and is paired using an app or web browser to control the lights. It has been a huge success however we are struggling to reach our target audience. When consumers find out about TraffikFlo we have had some…
JOGO TONGGO is the Javanese phrase for “look after your neighbour”. The program encourages residents of Central Java Province to return to traditional community support values and activities to ensure that everyone gets through the COVID-19 pandemic together. JOGO TONGGO encourages people to work together to guard each others’ health by not entering other people’s houses and ensuring distance is kept when meeting face-to-face, and by supporting each others’ financial resilience by…
Banggai was the first district of Indonesia’s Central Sulawesi Province to be hit by the COVID-19 outbreak. Local health facilities such as hospitals and community health centres faced major problems following health protocols introduced by the Ministry of Health due to a lack in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This meant that health workers working on the frontline of hospitals and other health institutions were not properly protected from contracting COVID-19. The administrative…
• Démocratiser l’accès à la connaissance • Eviter le décrochage scolaire • Favoriser la pédagogie différenciée • Former les équipes pédagogiques aux nouvelles pratiques et à l’utilisation des nouvelles technologies. • Répondre aux problèmes de rupture de la continuité pédagogique en cas de crise grave ou catastrophe naturelle • Offrir une structure scolaire et éducative complète (virtuelle) dans les lieux démunis de structure éducative
2 big things that need to change first: how we govern. change from vertical to horizontal which is virtually incorruptible: We intend to make this viral to put this in everyone's heads, you could help if you like. The other project is to make a gigantic network with and easy to use platform for exchanging ideas, strategies, and solutions, disseminating information to…
El 12 de marzo aún no sabíamos la dimensión que iba a tener la crisis del Covid-19 pero en el LAAAB (Laboratorio de Aragón Gobierno Abierto) sí intuimos la envergadura de la ola social que se iba a desencadenar, por lo que sentimos el deber de crear un dispositivo que canalizara toda esa energía de solidaridad ciudadana. Decidimos que fuera un espacio abierto (a emprendedores, activistas, organizaciones sociales, gobiernos, makers…) y no institucionalizar una respuesta. Tenía que ser…