​​​Crowdless is helping people make informed decisions and navigate more safely as they carry out their essential tasks, providing real-time live data on the busyness of essential places that people need to visit, such as supermarkets and pharmacies thanks to combination of existing data sources and crowdsourced data to ensure that users have real-time information on how crowded places are.
COVID-19 Innovative Response Tracker
Search and filter through innovative COVID-19 solutions from around the world

This website, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
The Ministry of Health established a national database on COVID-19, including a central reporting mechanism for health organisations and full medical data on confirmed cases and test results. Aggregated data is used to inform decision makers on the spread of the virus and the appropriate response. Additionally, the ministry of health is promoting a secure platform for researchers and developers to access anonymised data, in accordance with the privacy protection law.
Release of COVID-19 open data (non-identifiable) on the following: testing; confirmed cases; hospitalisation; deaths; local statistics; mandatory isolations; demographics.
Covid-19 Response
Dashboard of COVID-19 health situation and pandemic-specific information for public in Poland
The Government of Poland provides information useful for citizens such as infection rate, list of specialised hospitals, info on pandemic-specific restrictions, special sections with info for entrepreneurs, students, people traveling or needing social aid.
Covid-19 Response
Data visualisation dashboard with open government data about COVID-19 in the Czech Republic
Dashboard and visualisation of COVID-19 cases in the Czech Republic by the The Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic. Open data are also provided to support its reuse from these particular sets of information: Total (cumulative) number of tests performed - datasets with incremental and cumulative daily numbers of COVID-19 tests performed according to laboratory reports.
Total (cumulative) number of persons with proven disease by Regional Public Health Offices…
Data dashboard and Visualisation of COVID-19 data.
Data on confirmed COVID-19 cases in Slovenia by the National Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia (NIJZ).
This crowdsourcing project collects, analyses and publishes data on COVID-19 in Slovenia. The initiative has been collecting data from various publicly available sources and have a direct connection with health institutions and the NIJZ. The institutions sends structured data, which are then validate and made available in formats suitable for visualisation and presentation to the public, as well as for further work on model development and forecasting.
Data dashboard on the current situation of COVID-19 in Portugal.
Inform citizens about the use of allocated resources and expenses to combat COVID-19. Through these data sets, daily monitoring of budget management and the allocation of resources can be made at the three levels of government (national, regional and local). In addition, in the portal of citizen complaints, one can report possible cases of corruption one finds.