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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The official daily public mask stock information of each vendor(pharmacy, post office and designated mart) is provided including mask stock, address of vendor, warehousing of mask stocks and etc. Datasets are available based on address and coordinates(latitude / longitude) by vendor and region. Datasets are collected by HIRA and then are processed (e.g. combine GPS Coordinates for the address of each vendor) by NIA and also released with an Open API format on the central open data…
The Korean government is releasing open government data on public services in response to the COVID-19 outbreak as follows: (a) Smart and digital library data (published by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism): This dataset contains information relating to the following attributes: name, location and URL of the library. (b) Online public lecture data via APIs (published by the Ministry of Education): This dataset provides information on the online public lecture which is freely available…
The Korean government has released the following government data via APIs in response to the COVID-19 outbreak: (a) Current oversea saftety security status and immigration data relating to the COVID-19 by country and region/city. (b) Comprehensive statistics data for confirmed cases or patients of COVID-19 infection in South Korea by region, sex and age group. (c) Disinfection of public places by local government in the country (in progress).
The Tokyo metropolitan government provides nformation useful for civilians such as i) status of occurrence of COVID-19, ii) contact point for civilians who are concerned about their health such as “assistance provided to civilians by private organizations”. The Excel file shows information regarding services provided by private organizations including: i) type of the service provided by public organizations (e.g, education, medical services, communications, etc.); ii) to whom the service is…
The Ordnance Survey Ireland has made available linked open data on Covid-19 from the HSPC. The feature service contains the up to date Covid-19 Daily Statistics as well as the Profile of Covid-19 Daily Statistics for Ireland, as reported by the Health Surveillance Protection Centre.The Covid-19 Daily Statistics are updated on a daily basis, with the latest record reporting the counts recorded at 1pm the same day.
The Ministry of Solidarity and Health (through Santé publique France) is publishing several COVID-19 related datasets on the national open data portal: 1) Daily hospital data by department and sex of the patient: number of hospitalized patients, number of people currently in intensive care, cumulative number of people who returned home, cumulative number of deceased people. 2) Daily data relating to hospitals by department: cumulative number of services having declared at least one case. 3)…