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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The Czech government established a platform working as a marketplace for goods and services regarding the current crisis. Specialized government team connects the state (or even companies) demand for products or services with the supply of companies. To apply, companies need to fill a very simple online form. There are five steps: Fill in and send your offer or inquiry. You will be included in the CoVpoint central register. CoVpoint will contact the bidder. CoVpoint processes the offer or…
The Hauts-de-France hub for civic, social and citizen engagement is an online platform created by the Hauts-de-France government and SiiLab which details all the possible initiatives in which citizens can get involved in this region. It lists the various initiatives, describes the problems that they are addressing, how they attempt to solve those problems, and how citizens can get involved.
This space, initiated by the CNFPT and the actors of territorial public innovation, aims to organize support and mutual aid between agents of the territorial public service, local communities and more broadly between citizens and any actor contributing to the common good in the territories. It is also an opportunity to learn together about the crisis in the context of innovative distance learning formats. Each contribution constitutes collective intelligence. Each contribution strengthens our…
The French Secretariat in charge of Digital and La MedNum, a national cooperatiive of actors who work in data mediation, have created a 'Digital Solidarity' web platform to help people who have been forced to transition to digital solutions but who are not used to using particular digital services. The platform is created and solutions are proposed by volunteers through La MedNum. There is also an option for people to offer submit more content. The platform offers guidance and assisatnce on…
Mobilisons-nous pour sécuriser nos assiettes' is a platform that links farmers needing seasonal workers with potential volunteers. If volunteers have free time, they can work in fields, orchards or farms for a few hours through registering online on, fill in the tasks that they are able to do, and their form will be sent directly to farmers. Similarly, farmers can also complete a form to help find workers for their specific tasks.
The French Civic Reserve is a platform that allows French citizens to volunteer for particular tasks during the quarantine period. There are 4 'vital missions': 1 - Distributing basic food and emergency aid to the most disadvantaged. 2 - Exceptional childcare for children of 3- Connecting with isolated fragile people (digitally via telephone, 4 - Shopping for essential products for fragile neighbours The platform allows people to volunteer, or for organisations to propose their own assignment or…
Match for Healthcare is a simple and efficient digital interface between medical facilities and professionals. It is an interface that allows supporters and those in need to quickly and easily connect with each other. "match4healthcare" is the ideal tool for quick and efficient networking of supporters and facilities and especially now the state-of-the-art solution. Publicly, the platform offers a form for people to offer their help depending on their medical training, for organisations to…