The National Health Services open source API allows users to syndicate constantly updated COVID-19 data on their site.
COVID-19 Innovative Response Tracker
Search and filter through innovative COVID-19 solutions from around the world

This website, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
The US Government is maintaining a repository of questions and answers available for anyone who wishes to incorporate up-to-date COVID-19 information on their site, which is available for re-use as open source code.
Alberta Health Services' Self-Assessment Tool helps citizens find trustworthy information about Covid-19 symptoms and what to do next.
Open source code for the Government of Nova Scotia’s Self Assessment Tool for COVID-19.
Open source code for the self-assessment tool for COVID-19 created by the Government of Ontario.
Covid-19 Response
Open source code for the Government of Canada’s “Find financial help during COVID-19” tool

Open source code for the Government of Canada’s “Find financial help during COVID-19” tool.
The open source code for the Emergency Assistance Eligibility Wizard, a screening tool created by the State of New Jersey that lists available emergency assistance programs.
The coronavirus self-assessment test is available to users at the following portal: After completing the test, users receive further guidance and can establish direct communication with outpatient clinics from the supervision system which they can approach for additional information.
The service is intended for all citizens who have been cured of the COVID-19 virus and who can donate their blood plasma, so as to help in the treatment of newly infected patients.
Covid-19 Response
#YoHagoPorTi “I do for you” is the campaign title that means the idea of helping others

The General Directorate of Civil Protection and Emergencies, in collaboration with the Spanish Red Cross, has launched the #YoHagoPorTi campaign, aimed at promoting behaviours that foster solidarity with the neighbours who need it most: elderly, sick or disabled people. In this campaign, we are encouraged to mobilize for them. The 10 essential actions are proposed to protect ourselves and protect them, as well as promoting the initiative of maintaining telephone contact with elderly people or…