West Virginians between the ages of 16 and 35 who get the Covid-19 vaccine will receive a $100 savings bond. People who are in the incentive age range who have already been vaccinated will also receive a $100 savings bond.
COVID-19 Innovative Response Tracker
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This website, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
A lottery offering those who have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine a chance to win $1m or a a four year full-ride scholarship to state colleges or universities for those between 12 and 17. Each week for five weeks, five winners will be drawn for both categories.
"Joints for Jabs," a weed giveaway by a local advocacy organization to encourage residents to get vaccinated and lobby their council members to reform the city's marijuana laws.
The Global Initiative for Budget Transparency GIFT network with support from the OGP Multi-Donor Trust Fund has created a practical guide to help governments identify the data sets and data fields that should be collected for internal processes and disclosed to ensure transparency is embedded in their COVID-19 policy response and relief packages.
Learn more about our guide:
Covid-19 Response
Lithuanian robotics company Rubedo designed a globally unique disinfection robot to combat COVID-19
The Lithuanian robotics company Rubedo designed a globally unique disinfection robot to combat the COVID-19 coronavirus.
Covid-19 Response
MEDO platform – over 150 health professionals provide health consultations online.
MEDO platform – over 150 health professionals provide health consultations online.
Open Covid-19 data are available: COVID-19 statistics, laboratory test data, COVID-19 vaccination data, epidemiological data, data sets for test results and other open data.
TraffikFlo is a simple to install, easy to use, low cost traffic light to help locations manage capacity limits. We have a retail, restaurant and Caution version that is being used in locations across North America. The sign can be set up anywhere, powered by a power cable or battery pack and is paired using an app or web browser to control the lights.
It has been a huge success however we are struggling to reach our target audience.
When consumers find out about TraffikFlo we have had some…
The City of London Corporation and the Financial Conduct Authority are collaborating on a Digital Sandbox Pilot to support financial services innovation that responds to the challenges of Covid-19. The pilot trials features in a digital testing environment that support early stage technology development and quicker innovation.
The pilot is open to technology solutions that address one of three key challenges exacerbated by Covid-19: preventing fraud and scams, assisting the financial resilience…
Covid-19 Response
OAED and Google Hellas: online training and traineeship in businesses, aimed at developing the digit
One of the most innovative projects that took place amidst the COVID-19 pandemic is the collaboration between OAED and Google Hellas as members of the National Coalition for Digital Skills and Jobs. Both institutions will take up joint initiatives to effectively address the digital gap in the labour market, the professional reintegration of unemployed persons and the enhancement of digital economy and society. In this framework projects evolving online training and traineeship in businesses…