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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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This website, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
Ehteraz - an app that uses a GPS feature and Bluetooth to track and control COVID-19 cases in Qatar. *The project is under final stages of development and expected to go live soon. The profile of each user is linked to a QR Code that automatically extracts the user’s health information from official entities. Classifying users will be done based on the following categories: * Red – for people who have tested positive for Covid-19 * Yellow – for individuals who have been placed in…
Utilizing Droobi technology solution and platform to assist healthcare workers in accessing patients’ lifestyles and clinical information remotely, identifying patients at higher risk and engaging them through behavioral therapy, with limited healthcare worker exposure and monitoring patient movement within quarantine facilities
Ecourt is live since before, but in light of the COVID-19 situation, and to ensure accessibility to justice is maintained, Qatar leveraged eCourt to attain its purpose and utilized it for the first time during the social distancing period. Ecourt is a paperless e-case management solution that covers the full court process lifecycle – from case filing to issuance of a judgment. It allows parties to file and access case papers and communications with the Court and Regulatory Tribunal. Ecourt is…
Al-Asas security robots are robots that perform patrols in both residential and public areas of the country to educate the community on the importance of preventing gatherings. It will also detect violators during its rounds as each robot is equipped with 6 fixed cameras and is controlled by the security systems management. It also has a face recognition feature which is linked to the government database in the National Command Centre (NCC) to detect violators and penalize them with the assigned…
• Distributed electronic devices (e.g. Tablets and broadband gadgets) among students to facilitate the process of remote learning and ensure the delivery of high quality education • Distributed smartphone devices among the MEHE’s employees to enhance remote working • Developed a secure website to allow protected access for MEHE’s employees to the ministry’s internal systems in order to support remote working • Purchased technical support licenses to ensure the remote delivery of…
The eCommerce directory will be shown in the Qatar’s eCommerce portal. This will be done based on the following steps. • Logo • Online name. • Category • Link URL and APP, Google play and Android. • Description about the company. If anyone wants to search for the online shop, they can sort by the category which listed as Clothing, Groceries, Healthcare, Electronics, Home & Kitchen and Marketplace, Gifts, Industrial & scientific goods, Beauty, Toys & Games, Sports & outdoors,…
The National Portal of Citizenship for Counties And Parishes create a COVID-19 Dossier (creating an automation tool) that shows in real-time all the news published in the Counties Institutional Websites, aggregating and centralizing all that information in one page and disseminating that information in a large scale for the population in general on a 50k Daily Basis Newsletter.
1. Multichannel Uruguay implemented a comprehensive and multi-channel digital strategy to face the coronavirus pandemic. Taking advantage of the (National Digital Health Record) already available and integrating other tools to to strengthen the way of having / accessing information. 2. In the framework of a strategy to facilitate access to information, continuously, accessible and through a process that is transparent to the entire population, the government's web resources and…