eRouska (eFacemask) is an app for mobile phones that has been developed to use bluetooth to track all users of the app with whom you come into contact with.
The eRouška application is available for operating systems Android (download here) and iOS (it should be released for iPhone in the next few upcoming hours/days) and it’s based on the Bluetooth technology.
Once the users give their permission to the app, phones with activated Bluetooth service can let one another know when they meet. The…
COVID-19 Innovative Response Tracker
Search and filter through innovative COVID-19 solutions from around the world
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Covid-19 Response
CoVpoint platfrom – connecting government bodies with problems with private organisations who…
The Czech government established a platform working as a marketplace for goods and services regarding the current crisis. Specialized government team connects the state (or even companies) demand for products or services with the supply of companies. To apply, companies need to fill a very simple online form. There are five steps:
Fill in and send your offer or inquiry.
You will be included in the CoVpoint central register.
CoVpoint will contact the bidder.
CoVpoint processes the offer or…
The website allows Czech people to purchase future services from businesses and entrepreneurs, redeemable when businesses are able to re-open.
There are currently 343 businesses from which people can purchase future services, all available through the online platform, on which you can sign up either as a supporter or as a service provider.
Covid-19 Response
Netherlands offers dedicated financial support to agricultural and horticultural SMEs
In the Netherlands, Agricultural and horticultural SMEs will be supported by temporarily relaxing the guarantee for working capital, which is part of the existing decree Borgstelling MKB-Landbouwkredieten (BL). The decree will ease acute liquidity problems for agricultural and horticultural business who experience those problems due to the COVID-situation. The credit is for a maximum of 2 years.
Covid-19 Response
A situation Centre for universities in the Russian Ministry of Education and Science
Since March 16, all Russian universities were recommended to introduce mixed and distance learning formats. To support universities during the transition period in connection with the unfavorable situation caused by the new coronavirus infection (COVID-2019), a Situation Center of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science and a hotline have been created. The recommendations for the universities on the transfer of educational courses to the online format were developed by the Ministry of…
The Ministry of Industry and Technology together with the private sector organized a Coronathon event for entrepreneurs who have potential to provide technology based solutions for COVID-19 pandemic. This event was held on 21-22 March 2020. More than 150 projects competed and more than 150 mentors took roles to help entrepreneurs.
TĂœBÄ°TAK is providing complementary support to the awardees of this Coronathon competition in collaboration with some of the selected Technology Transfer Offices.…
In Israel, the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA) the Israeli Ministry of Economy and Industry, and the Manufacturers Association of Israel are calling on industrial facilities and companies to submit R&D plans for the increased production of coronavirus-related products. As part of the initiative, the government will offer financial support of 50% to 75% of expenses to plans that will demonstrate the potential to bolster the country’s healthcare system or provide breakthroughs in the fight…
Covid-19 Response
The German Research Foundation’s call for Interdisciplinary Research into epidemics
The German Research FOundation have launched a Call for interdisciplinary research into epidemics and pandemics on the occasion of the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2.
Funding is given to projects that deal with prevention, early detection, containment and research into the causes and effects of and dealing with epidemics and pandemics using the example of SARS-CoV-2 and other human-pathogenic microorganisms and viruses.
This includes research, for example on:
the challenges and effects of an epidemic…
Covid-19 Response
France’s Defense Innovation Agency (AID) launches a dedicated call for innovative solutions
France's Defense Innovation Agency (AID) launched a dedicated call, as part of the government's plan to fight COVID-19. It relates to the search for innovative solutions, whether technological, organizational, managerial or adapting industrial processes, which could be directly mobilized in order to: protect the population, support patient care, test the population, monitoring the evolution of the disease at the individual level and the evolution of the pandemic, or helping to limit constraints…
Covid-19 Response
IdearuMCTIC is a platform to assess the maturity of technological solutions to the pandemic.
Brazil's Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications has launched a platform, IdearuMCTIC, aimed at connecting ideas and evaluating the maturity of technological solutions related to the challenges imposed by the pandemic.