In Sleman District, Yogyakarta, staff from the District Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Office are often seen travelling around the area’s towns and villages alike in their ‘SIE MOLIN’ car. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, SIE MOLIN - which stands for ‘Mobil Perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak’, or ‘Car for the Protection of Women and Children’ - activities focused on raising awareness about gender-based violence (GBV) and providing services for women and children victims of…
COVID-19 Innovative Response Tracker
Search and filter through innovative COVID-19 solutions from around the world

This website, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
Banggai was the first district of Indonesia’s Central Sulawesi Province to be hit by the COVID-19 outbreak. Local health facilities such as hospitals and community health centres faced major problems following health protocols introduced by the Ministry of Health due to a lack in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This meant that health workers working on the frontline of hospitals and other health institutions were not properly protected from contracting COVID-19.
The administrative…
One side effect of the COVID-19 pandemic was the difficulty to access reliable, fast and true information. In Indonesia, a lot of misinformation has been circulating both online and offline. The West Java COVID-19 Information and Coordination Center, or PIKOBAR, addresses this issue by providing a government-led, trusted, and accessible pandemic information platform to publish data, factual news, and practical preventive instructions. Jabar Digital Service (JDS) developed a website and mobile…
Authorities in Finland are using sniffer dogs to sniff out whether travellers may have Covid-19 in a pilot in the Helsinki-Vantaa Airport.
Cabinet and Parliament decision-making takes place remotely in Latvia. Cabinet sittings in Latvia take place remotely since 24 March 2020. Instead of gathering in the official meeting room in the Cabinet building, ministers now meet online in Zoom platform.
COVID-19 has put a spotlight on the importance of data infrastructure to ensure effective data sharing (data quality, validation, matching, use of identifiers), as well as the effectiveness of using digital tools and practices to deliver important, cross-government services. As part of the UK government’s response to the pandemic, five government departments came together to set up a National Shielding Service to deliver care and food supplies to approximately 2.2m people in England who were…
#SmartNationTogether is a joint effort between the Singapore Government and Smart Nation Ambassadors, consisting of community and corporate volunteers. Since #SmartNationTogether was launched in June 2020, more than 70 unique programmes have been presented by 40 partners with more than 6,000 participants engaged. It has also built a following of more than 12,000. Facebook engagement on #SmartNationTogether has also achieved more than 600 “likes” since Jun 2020.
Inicitiva lanzada el 24 de abril en el marco de la cuarentena a causa del COVID-19 impuesta por el gobierno del Paraguay para relevar en un solo espacio, soluciones tecnológicas, soluciones financieras, medidas tributarias y medidas laborales a tener en cuenta en el contexto de la pandemia.
El mismo se inició con más de una treintena de soluciones para emprendedores y MIPYMES impulsadas desde el sector público y privado, además de otra veintena de medidas tributarias y laborales…
Buenos Aires COVID-19 Open Data
As part of its commitment to open data, the city government has made public the datasets it uses to make decisions on its Covid-19 response. The indicators and data presented relate to government actions on the detection, referral, monitoring and isolation of Covid-19 cases; changes in the use of public and private transport; and how public space is being transformed in the city. › coronavirus › datos
Covid-19 Response
Téléportation des acteurs d’une relation pédagogique dans un environnement virtuel…
• Démocratiser l’accès à la connaissance
• Eviter le décrochage scolaire
• Favoriser la pédagogie différenciée
• Former les équipes pédagogiques aux nouvelles pratiques et à l’utilisation des nouvelles technologies.
• Répondre aux problèmes de rupture de la continuité pédagogique en cas de crise grave ou catastrophe naturelle
• Offrir une structure scolaire et éducative complète (virtuelle) dans les lieux démunis de structure éducative