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This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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2 big things that need to change first: how we govern. change from vertical to horizontal which is virtually incorruptible: We intend to make this viral to put this in everyone's heads, you could help if you like. The other project is to make a gigantic network with and easy to use platform for exchanging ideas, strategies, and solutions, disseminating information to…
Adaptación de las actuaciones que las oficinas de empleo han ofrecido a las personas demandantes de empleo en esta situación de pandemia y confinamiento, así como en su posterior vuelta a la normalidad, de manera que ni las limitaciones a la movilidad ni el cierre de las oficinas a la atención al público perjudicaran la atención a nuestros/as demandantes de empleo. Las medidas puestas en marcha han sido: -Automatización de la renovación de la demanda de empleo: Petición realizada a los…
El Departamento de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, consciente de la gravedad de la situación creada por la propagación del coronavirus, afrontó la puesta en práctica de un plan de actuaciones que ayudasen a mitigar los efectos de la misma. Las claves de esta actuación han sido: 1.1. Compartir experiencias desarrolladas en los centros educativos aragoneses que pretendían ayudar a proporcionar a alumnado y familias recursos complementarios del currículo. 1.2. Trasladar mensajes que…
El 12 de marzo aún no sabíamos la dimensión que iba a tener la crisis del Covid-19 pero en el LAAAB (Laboratorio de Aragón Gobierno Abierto) sí intuimos la envergadura de la ola social que se iba a desencadenar, por lo que sentimos el deber de crear un dispositivo que canalizara toda esa energía de solidaridad ciudadana. Decidimos que fuera un espacio abierto (a emprendedores, activistas, organizaciones sociales, gobiernos, makers…) y no institucionalizar una respuesta. Tenía que ser…
May Day celebrations at the Virtual Helsinki attracted 1,5 million to party at home Finland's annual May Day celebrations gather yearly tens of thousands of people to the parks in the capital city of Helsinki to celebrate the beginning of the summer season. This year the celebrations took a completely new form. City of Helsinki encouraged people to stay at home and invited the entire country to a virtual concert in an online version of the capital city. One of Finland’s most popular rap…
Our communities are being hit hard by the Covid19 crisis, especially small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Consequently Europe faces a serious risk of a deep and lasting recession. It is in the interest of both local SMEs, regional and local authorities, local and cooperative banks and private investors to join forces to support SMEs and sustainable local/regional economies. However, how can we maximise the impact of these funds and create a truly sustainable recovery? The Impact Multiplier…
Our communities are being hit hard by the Covid19 crisis, especially small and medium sized enterprises. As a consequence Europe faces a seriousrisk of a deep and lasting recession. It is in the interest of both private investors and regional authorities to join forces to support SMEs. However, how can we maximise the impact of these funds and create a truly sustainable recovery?The Impact Multiplier system is based on a tried and tested platform that will boost recovery by increasing the…
"Wendá" (Web + Rendá, the guaraní word for “place”) is the place where we network and connect. It’s a social and digital platform that articulates, promotes, and strengthens government and citizen initiatives during the COVID-19 and beyond. The platform enables a participatory mapping of people and organizations’ programs, projects, and needs, related to the COVID19 crisis. In just the first two weeks, over 120 initiatives signed up, with many of the groups behind them already…
The Toronto Foundation created and funded a distance learning program for high schools that service populations with limited or no access to the internet. In two short weeks, a dial-in phone learning system was set up that connected 500 students with their teachers. The goal was to continue preparing these students for their matriculation exams that will take place in July 2020. The response was designed to continue providing uninterrupted remedial instruction to high school students when the…
African countries have created the Africa Medical Supplies Platform, to offer medical supplies like test kits, protective equipment and potential vaccines through a single online marketplace platform. South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa said that it “will address shortages and security of supply, ensure price competitiveness and transparency in procurement, reduce logistical delays, simplify payment processes and provide a common platform where governments can access services from quality…