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LABcapital: Online Public Innovation Course for Public Officials

AEI of Innovation Workshop - 9

This online course seeks to foster an innovation ecosystem in Bogota’s public offices, offering Bogota’s public officials the tools to gain capacities for public innovation.

Through practical exercises that are related to drawing and mapping, among others, public officials gain insight on ways to approach the users of public services.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

One goal of Bogota’s Development Plan "Bogotá Mejor para Todos 2016-2020” is to create a Public Innovation LAB in the Veeduria Distrital. By june 2016, the LAB was created with the objective of creating innovative solutions to solve public challenges and improve public management, increasing trust between citizens and public offices.

LABcapital has 3 lines of action: Promotion of innovation in public management, Innovative initiatives and Innovative public policy evaluation. For its first component, LABcapital has implemented initiatives such as the Best Practices bank on its online platform, and its goal of developing public officials’ capacities through an online course.

The Online Public Innovation Course is the effort of Bogota’s Veeduría Distrital on capacity building for public officials in public innovation. To do so, the course has been developed as a mechanism to engage public officials of at least 16 of Bogota’s public offices in a learning community. Since 2016, the course has sought to strengthen the public officials’ capacities for problem identification, idea generation, user centricity and many other relevant tools and methodologies that allow them to solve complex problems. Through practical activities, public officials are tasked with learning about the Lab’s own methodology, the AEI of Public Innovation, consisting of Empathy, Intuition and Action. Additionally, the course focuses on developing the skills of the public officials so that they become beacons of innovation within their own offices, further spreading innovation within the public sector. As of August 2018, approximately 420 public officials have taken the course. The course aims to continue improving its methodology for engaging public officials, hopefully becoming an example for scalability in other cities, the national level public offices and maybe even opening the course to citizens.

The course’s design started out in 2016 through a pilot exercise that was implemented with the Veeduría’s public officials. After the initial course and the requested feedback, the course entered a second phase during 2017, where three new cohorts of public officials engaged in the learning experience. In 2018, the course faced a second adjustment from the feedback received, reaching its third version. Currently, the course has started its 6th cohort.

The third version of the course is structured around practical exercises in order to facilitate the adoption of the concepts and practices related to public innovation by public offices. All the contents are derived from research and practical exercises, so that students understand the environment and principles of innovation in context.

The course is divided into four modules: the first one aimed to develop a landed and everyday life concept of innovation; the second one is related to the concepts of public innovation; the third one provides tools to evaluate the culture of innovation in their own public offices, and the fourth one is a face-to- face meeting related to the Methodology AEI of Public Innovation.

As an example of practical and landed exercises, the first activity we propose in the course is called “Cuéntanos tu Chicharrón”: “Tell us your Chicharrón (Setback)”. In it, public officials are tasked with visually representing a problem they previously had, whether it is one from their personal life or one they had in their job as public officials. Through a series of drawing spaces, the public officer builds a 4 step storyboard that details how the problem was, what ideas they had for solving it, how it was solved and what outcomes the solution generated. Through this, public officials not only practice visual thinking, which is not commonly used within the public sector, but also engage in a reframing of how to think about problems in need of a solution for their everyday activities. The course has eight more activities, each one focusing on a different skill and/or concept that fosters their innovation capacity. Additionally, the platform used for the Online Public Innovation Course has forums in which discussion on the activities is periodically held. In the same vein, Webinars are held every 3 weeks when closing the Module’s activities in order to engage in dialogue over the different insights that the public officials gathered from the assigned exercises.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

The Online Public Innovation Course has been designed for public officials, especially considering their agendas and their workloads. Thus, the course is flexible in the times allotted for the fulfillment of all the activities. This flexibility was introduced to the current version as a result of the constant feedback process that the Lab engages in, aiming to improve every iteration of the course. Another innovative aspect of this course is the focus on capacity building to foster an innovation ecosystem in all of Bogota’s public offices, as well as aiming to develop public innovation leadership from within through the strengthening of each of the public officer’s skills.

What is the current status of your innovation?

The Online Public Innovation Course has been implemented since 2016. As previously stated, the course has already had 6 Cohorts (groups of students) and with each one, the main goal is to receive feedback through surveys done to all the public officials, as well as through interviews to some of the students. The idea is to gather both quantitative and qualitative information that allows to rethink aspects of the course, focusing on the needs and desires of the course’s users: Bogota’s public officials. Aside from this process of evaluation on the course’s impact, the Laboratory is currently seeking to establish partnerships with other organizations to further spread this type of initiatives in other public offices.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

LABcapital and the Veeduria’s team in charge of developing courses involved in designing, follow-up, monitoring and evaluation of the course. Additionally, LABcapital has engaged in conversations with other public innovation Labs, including Chile’s Public Innovation Lab and the US Office of Personnel Management’s Lab. These partnerships are key to share best practices and lessons learned in order to improve the team’s efforts on building innovation capacities in the public officials.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

The course’s main users are public officials from Bogota’s public offices. Approximately 420 have taken the course, coming from almost 16 different public offices. LABcapital has set the goal to gather students from all of Bogota’s public offices, in order to foster the strengthening of a public innovation ecosystem, which in turn will generate shared value for Bogota’s citizens, as public service delivery is further improved.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

The Online Public Innovation Course has managed to reach 420 public officials from 16 different public offices, which represents approximately 58% of the City’s 56 public offices. Additionally, the LAB is constantly monitoring the results of its course by engaging the community of public officials in surveys. In its most recent survey, 53 public officials answered, and 52% took the course in order to foster innovation in their public office. Additionally, 47% considered the course allowed them to seek solutions to public challenges. Overall, the course continues to expand its reach to other public offices, aiming to achieve full coverage of the entire City’s public sector.

Challenges and Failures

Throughout the course’s implementation, there are four main challenges that the team has identified: working around public official’s schedules, barriers for teamwork, student retention and measuring results and impact. For the first three, LABcapital has managed to reduce the negative effects with each redesign process, improving the methodologies or activities used in the course. For example, the course is less intensive, while also being flexible in the due dates for activities in order to accommodate itself better to the workloads of public officials. Regarding measuring impact, LABcapital is seeking to learn from peers on the best mechanisms to ensure a relevant and focused way to measure impact.

Conditions for Success

In order for an initiative like the Online Public Innovation Course to be successful, teams that wish to replicate it must consider who they are preparing the initiative for: public officials.

Using design thinking and service design in order to focus on the public official’s needs and desires is key to incentivize positive results. Additionally, the more user-friendly the online platform and tools used are, the more engaged public officials become. Finally, another key component for success is the role of senior and mid-level leadership within public offices. Whenever we are counting with their support, the course has better results.


The course has been done in 3 different versions throughout its 6 Cohorts. In its first version, the course was only a pilot done with some public officials from the Veeduría Distrital. In its second version, the course consisted of two halves: the first one being focused on a theoretical development of the concepts and reading comprehension exercises, and the second one being an effort to solve a public challenge in teams. Unfortunately, the second half of the course did not run smoothly due to busy work schedules and lack of coordination between teams. Thus, for its third version, the course shifted towards individual practical activities, so every public official can fit them the best they can to their own schedule. Additionally, the group section was transformed into a one day workshop, and instead of trying to aim a public challenge, the public officials seek to identify a challenge for the promotion of innovation in their public office.

Anything Else?

The Online Public Innovation Course is an effort to generate capacities within public officials as LABcapital believes that fostering these types of initiatives is a more lasting way of boosting innovation within the public sector. Through the course, LABcapital seeks to nurture the innovation ecosystem with public officials that serve as beacons of innovation within their own public offices. Therefore, these public officials later become the leaders when working on solving public challenges and/or conducting policy evaluations, which are the other two lines of action of LABcapital’s mission.

Project Pitch

Supporting Videos


  • Implementation - making the innovation happen
  • Evaluation - understanding whether the innovative initiative has delivered what was needed

Innovation provided by:



Date Published:

18 January 2016

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