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Påkobla Hjelpemiddel (Connected Health Care Aids)

"Påkobla Hjelpemiddel" (PH) is a digital solution developed from a digitalization department in Kristiansund Municipality, Norway. This innovative system addresses challenges in inventory, distribution, and logistics, improving the efficiency of delivering assistive devices. PH will be completed as a system in the end of 2024, but is today used by four municipalities that are a part of the innovation.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

The innovation, "Påkobla Hjelpemiddel," addresses challenges in the management of assistive devices (in this case for example wheelchairs, crutches and other devices that you might need in your daily life) in municipalities in Norway. The existing issues include difficulties in inventory, distribution, and logistics, as well as capacity constraints and delays for ergo- and physiotherapists in the assessment and training processes. There has been an issue for the municipalities to be able to keep track of their devices (where they are, who they are delivered to and when they should be returned). These issues are the same for all municipalities in Norway. The system aims to streamline these processes and enhance overall efficiency in assistive device management.

"Påkobla Hjelpemiddel" is a digital solution developed by Kristiansund municipality`s department for innovation and digitalization, in collaboration with several municipalities, including Molde, Hustadvika and Nordre Follo. It is a comprehensive warehouse and logistics solution that covers the entire process of assistive device handling, from the identification of a need to the eventual return of the device. The system includes features such as barcode registration, pick lists, delivery logs, and a digital twin of the inventory.

The primary goal of the innovation is to create a digital system that efficiently manages the entire lifecycle of assistive devices, from the identification of a need to the cessation of the need. Specific goals include addressing challenges related to inventory management, distribution, and assignments for the assistive device inventory. Additionally, enabling therapists to conduct assessments and submit aid applications within the system. Moreover, the system aims to integrate seamlessly with the municipalities´ journal system and other relevant platforms to facilitate information exchange and improve overall service delivery.

The beneficiaries of "Påkobla Hjelpemiddel" include both the municipal employees involved in assistive device management and the citizens who require these devices. For employees, the system streamlines workflows, automates processes, and provides a unified platform for communication. For citizens, the innovation ensures a more efficient and timely delivery of assistive devices, enhancing their overall experience and quality of life. The collaboration between municipalities also promotes knowledge sharing and standardization of practices in assistive device management.

In 2025, the innovation will be a fully developed system that all municipalities in Norway will get the opportunity to connect to the system. We are developing it with four municipalities with different sizes, needs and geographic placement, in order to develop a system that can be used by all kind of municipalities.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

Påkobla Hjelpemiddel stands out as an innovative solution due to its comprehensive approach to streamlining the entire process of assistive device management. From the inception of a need in an individual to the cessation of that need, the system covers the entire life cycle of the assistive devices. This system addresses challenges faced by municipalities in managing equipment inventory, delivery logistics, and the coordination of services provided by occupational and physical therapists. The innovation is tailored to the needs of employees, offering features like automatic barcode generation, pick lists, delivery logs, and a digital twin of the inventory, significantly enhancing the efficiency of the distribution process.

Furthermore, "Påkobla Hjelpemiddel" distinguishes itself by being the first solution in Norway to integrate seamlessly with NAV (Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration) in the domain of assistive devices.

What is the current status of your innovation?

Påkobla Hjelpemiddel is being developed through an iterative process. Instead of executing the project in a linear sequence, we have divided it into cycles or phases. After each release of new features, the results are reviewed, and adjustments and improvements are made based on feedback and lessons learned from previous phases before moving on to the development of a new feature.

In the innovation process we are releasing different modules and functions step by step. We started the solution with just the necessary functions for being able to distribute assistive devices to the user. Right now, we are working with a new release which gives the leaders of the service the possibility to role manage the different modules. We are also at the stage of looking into how to integrate with the journal systems of the municipalities.

In 2024 we will complete the last modules: Modul for inhabitants, for therapists (mapping and applications), for missions and for welfare technology.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

Development of Digitalization and Innovation at Kristiansund municipality initiated the project and is the project owner. The municipalities Hustadvika, Molde, Nordre Follo and Kristiansund are working together in an innovation cooperation.

Employees working with assisting devices has been involved in the project from the beginning, and have continuously given feedback about how the system is to use and how it can be improved.

NAV collaborates with us on further information sharing.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

Utilizing national shared components reduces manual data entry, offering comprehensive insights into inventory status, including details on each aid's repairs and previous loans. Leaders gain clear statistics for informed decision-making and financial reporting. All stakeholders benefit from improved process visibility, reducing errors and inefficiencies.

The users get the devices faster. The system provides a standard for assistive device management, and increases the data privacy.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

The system has led to a more purposeful and efficient use of resources, providing economic flexibility to enhance municipal services for residents.
National common components reduces manual data entry, offering a comprehensive overview of inventory status, including details on each aid such as repairs and previous loans.

Leaders gain clear statistics to assist in decision-making processes and financial reporting.
All involved staff have better visibility and control over the process. Facilitating the sharing of aids across municipal inventories simplifies the process, increasing accessibility.

The system ensures that inhabitants receive the same healthcare services regardless of the municipality they reside in.

Challenges and Failures

There have been challenges with the establishment of integrations between Påkobla Hjelpemiddel and NAV, and between Påkobla Hjelpemiddel and the municipality`s journal system. Journals systems contain sensitive health information, and there are strict requirements and guidelines for privacy and data security. Implementing integrations must carefully adhere to these requirements to safeguard patient information. In addition, there is strict internal guidelines about which and how information is supposed to get out to the employees in the municipalities. We are currently working with these integrations and the goal is to get them ready by 2024.

Conditions for Success

The implementation of such a system required allocating additional resources initially. During the transition to this system, there was a need for cleanup and organization of the inventory, followed by the registration of all aids in the municipalities. This in addition to the implementation process have required both staff and time, which the municipalities have allocated resources for. Fortunately, we have had strong support from the managers and municipal chiefs in the municipalities we collaborate with.

It is essential that we succeed with the integrations necessary to transfer information to 'Påkobla Hjelpemiddel'. If this is not successful, it will result in a significant amount of duplicated work for the employees.


The system is designed with the intention of being easily adopted by all municipalities in Norway. The inventory management and logistics for the distribution of aids available in municipal inventories can also be applicable to other countries. The part related to permanent assistive devices from NAV (Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration) will be specific to Norway.

Lessons Learned

The execution of the project so far has provided us with a renewed and comprehensive understanding of the vast and extensive field of assistive devices. It encompasses not only those directly involved in the delivery and retrieval of aids but also occupational therapists and physiotherapists who assess residents' needs and apply for aids. There is a significant need to integrate information from NAV and municipal journal systems into 'Påkobla Hjelpemiddel.' However, this is a lengthy and cumbersome process, where regulations and outdated procedures hinder innovation.

Anything Else?

If you are interested in getting a demo of the system, we are happy to do that.

Year: 2022
Level of Government: Local government


  • Identifying or Discovering Problems or Opportunities - learning where and how an innovative response is needed
  • Generating Ideas or Designing Solutions - finding and filtering ideas to respond to the problem or opportunity
  • Implementation - making the innovation happen
  • Evaluation - understanding whether the innovative initiative has delivered what was needed

Innovation provided by:


Date Published:

1 July 2024

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