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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Dashboard and visualisation of COVID-19 cases in the Czech Republic by the The Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic. Open data are also provided to support its reuse from these particular sets of information: Total (cumulative) number of tests performed - datasets with incremental and cumulative daily numbers of COVID-19 tests performed according to laboratory reports. Total (cumulative) number of persons with proven disease by Regional Public Health Offices…
This crowdsourcing project collects, analyses and publishes data on COVID-19 in Slovenia. The initiative has been collecting data from various publicly available sources and have a direct connection with health institutions and the NIJZ. The institutions sends structured data, which are then validate and made available in formats suitable for visualisation and presentation to the public, as well as for further work on model development and forecasting.
Statistics Lithuania has developed the interactive map set for showing accurately the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. The map displays information on the latest cases, tests performed in real-time, vaccination rates, also demographic and certain chronic disease morbidity statistics (Statistics Lithuania, the Institute of Hygiene), Health care resources (Institute of Hygiene), detailed data on care and social services (Statistics Lithuania), detaileddata of the private and public sectors directly…
The official dashboard that presents the current status of the COVID-19 epidemic in Korea at the national, provincial and municipal level from official reports by the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) including a daily monitoring situation update(number of confirmed cases, released from quarantine/discharged healed, isolated in treatment centers/hospitalized and deceased).