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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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The Ministry of Industry and Trade created a funding program for SMEs where companies can apply with their innovative solutions regarding the current crisis. It includes not only innovations that aim at solving the current crisis but also such innovations which can help companies to transform their processes so that they would be able to better protect the health of their employees and the stability of their business in the future (e.g. innovations regarding automatization, digitization, remote…
The Ministry of Industry and Technology together with the private sector organized a Coronathon event for entrepreneurs who have potential to provide technology based solutions for COVID-19 pandemic. This event was held on 21-22 March 2020. More than 150 projects competed and more than 150 mentors took roles to help entrepreneurs. TÜBİTAK is providing complementary support to the awardees of this Coronathon competition in collaboration with some of the selected Technology Transfer Offices.…
France's Defense Innovation Agency (AID) launched a dedicated call, as part of the government's plan to fight COVID-19. It relates to the search for innovative solutions, whether technological, organizational, managerial or adapting industrial processes, which could be directly mobilized in order to: protect the population, support patient care, test the population, monitoring the evolution of the disease at the individual level and the evolution of the pandemic, or helping to limit constraints…
This space, initiated by the CNFPT and the actors of territorial public innovation, aims to organize support and mutual aid between agents of the territorial public service, local communities and more broadly between citizens and any actor contributing to the common good in the territories. It is also an opportunity to learn together about the crisis in the context of innovative distance learning formats. Each contribution constitutes collective intelligence. Each contribution strengthens our…
Hack the Crisis Norway is an online hackathon set up to meet the challenges our society is facing as a result of the coronavirus. The event is organised by volunteers from the tech and startup community in Norway. ‍ In a hackathon, people come together to create solutions and concepts from scratch in a short amount of time. Over the course of a weekend, people all over Norway joined forces to create innovative solutions to the corona crisis. Anyone could participate in Hack the Crisis Norway,…
Denmark is one of the world’s most digitized countries, acknowledged for its cooperation between academia, NGOs and the public and private sectors. We are inviting tech entrepreneurs, social workers, teachers, NGOs, public sector employees, companies, students, retirees – basically everyone in Denmark and abroad who want to help us identify and solve challenges that are appearing during the COVID-19 crisis.​ The idea was to search for ideas with a special focus on containment of…
The team Shield 48 won the HackForce hackathon that took place 17-19 March with its design and plan to manufacture and supplie face shields to medical professionals during the COVID-19 health crisis. Subsequent to the hackathon, Shield48 has already manufactured 10,000 face shields to Latvian state medics according to the contract with the Latvian National Health Service and delivered to Latvian hospitals. With a new grant, Shield48 plans to use the loan to cover the future costs of raw…
A dedicated webpage to COVID-19 with videos, articles and FAQs, developed and/or presented by scientists on the coronavirus and COVID-19, including a special section on relevant Citizen Science projects, highlighting the contribution of the wider public to research development in related topics. Specific materials on the coronavirus epidemic were produced by Ciência Viva for the school communities.
The Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), in collaboration with the Agency for Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation (AICIB), launched exceptional funding to support the reorientation of R&D teams in the development of initiatives that meet the immediate needs of the National Health Service (SNS) to fight COVID-19 (e.g, new prevention tools, therapeutic developments, diagnostic methods, actions to promote a resilient society, especially in the older population and in higher risk…
The Czech government launched an online hackathon "Hack the crisis" where companies or citizens can apply with their innovative solutions regarding the Covid-19 crisis. The aim of the hackathon is to support projects that arise from various initiatives and that are in line with the needs and priorities of the state. The hackathon involves all relevant components of the state who want to coordinate support projects in the application of solutions and also give perspective on their need.