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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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Democratic Technology (‘DT’)


Democratic Technology brings governments and citizens into the 21st century. It empowers engagement in real time on daily issues, between people and politicians in a seamless and transparent way. Using geolocation or an address entry, real verified users are shown their government representatives on their smartphones enabling direct one-to-one messaging on important events. Collected anonymized data enables evidence based decision making for the public and governments.

Innovation Summary

Innovation Overview

Today’s democratic world is faced with the disturbing trend of citizen dissatisfaction. Every manner of society on the planet is affected by this growing phenomena. A prevalence of citizen and voter apathy has led people to believe that their voices are not heard and do not matter.


Public sentiments and perceptions on the inability to directly effect change, are counterproductive to societal objectives and are fueling discontent amongst citizens. Instead, 'the collective voice' matters, creating a numbers game when action is needed in government.


This has been epitomized by the deployment of automated political ROBO calling systems used by some politicians as an efficient and economical method of outreach and communication. Although economical, this process further distances citizens from their political processes and government, reinforcing feelings that they are simply a number.


Change is on the horizon. The global community now can embrace Democratic Technology ('DT') to initiate dynamic engagement for the purposes of civic literacy and empowerment.
iMatr (pronounced ‘I Matter’) provides an innovative technological solution to these problems. It contributes to the evolution of democracy by providing unprecedented one-on-one connectivity to elected representatives. Finally, there is a system where one voice does matter in a collective infrastructure.


Designed to address the need for transparent and productive political engagement, iMatr responds effectively and efficiently to the democratic challenges countries currently face, especially with youth participation in governance and the electoral processes.


One need not look far to see how the internet has revolutionized information technology and with it social structures. Social networks personified by entities such as Facebook and Twitter are evidence of world connectivity that is void of civil and respectful political engagement in virtual space. iMatr changes that.


DT by iMatr, delivers the technological infrastructure and digital foundation needed to make democracy better; both virtually and practically. It improves citizen awareness, engagement and their on-line political connectivity, by empowering them to actively participate on relevant issues with their government and political structures. In real time, the platform offers an unprecedented way for real, verified people to reach out to politicians easily, driven by people for the people. iMatr's technological infrastructure scales locally, nationally and internationally crossing all borders.


Comparatively, it’s an app similar in appearance and feel to social media for the masses. But differs in that it is also used as a personal teaching device for students in educational institutions.
iMatr now introduces novel mechanisms of political engagement for the digital age. Through its Big Data, it clearly demonstrates what is important to communities and governments. Free and open to all, iMatr empowers government and legislators to act with evidence based outcomes; providing better and informed decisions reflective of what communities want.


To become an iMatr user, citizens of Canada simply sign up on their smartphone devices. (Desktop and Tablet under development) However, should a user wish to engage their political representatives, a verification process is needed. User's are verified by geolocation and a PIN mailed to their home address. This process clearly proves to politicians that real people in their constituencies are engaging them.
Youth of today are not very interested in governance, nor in voting. iMatr provides relevant daily content which affects their lives and their future. By capturing youth interest with issues that are important to them, iMatr empowers them to have their say, and then engage politicians on what is relevant to them. It demonstrates democracy in action in a way youth can relate to via digital engagement.
How many people in countries around the world, including Canada, hand over thousands of dollars to strangers regularly? Well, not many people. However, this is what citizens do at all levels of government, when they pay taxes and know very little about the candidates they may vote for in an election. iMatr matches citizens to politicians based on common views on issues. Informed electorates form more positive and better governments.


IQed (pronounced ‘IQ-ed’) powered by iMatr, ignites youth interest and provides a lifelong journey of education, and civic participation. It brings the least participatory group of society into the process of governance through dynamic real time learning. Whether it’s elementary, high school or post secondary education, educators use IQed to empower real world engagement and dynamic learning in a variety of course curriculums. Innovations in democracy can not occur without education, nor youth participants. iMatr builds a foundation for change, by empowering future generations of adults and voters.

Innovation Description

What Makes Your Project Innovative?

Democratic Technology is an innovation in society, education, governance and political engagement because:


1. It provides real, verified users in countries, structured real time engagement of politicians and government, and current news and events of the day in real time.
2. It empowers one-on-one contact with politicians on their smartphone/personal devices without third party filters: providing speed of access, convenience and the prevention of miscommunication and misdirection.
3. It presents Big Data 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, on what people want and where government and politicians stand. The Open Data is easily accessible to everyone, unlike commissioned polls.
4. In addition to being a citizen engagement tool, iMatr is also an educational device that teaches young people about different government systems and local, national and world issues.
5. It is a place where All Voices Meet to provide structured, controlled and productive dialogue between members of societies.

What is the current status of your innovation?

As of the date of this submission, iMatr DT has completed its first pilots, in both the democratic and educational arenas.


It has been used and tested in the Canadian 2021 Federal election, the Ontario 2022 Provincial election and is currently deployed and being tested in the 2022 Ontario Municipal elections.
It has also been piloted in various levels of curriculum in elementary, high school and college settings; demonstrating new principles of dynamic interactive learning, in real time, within government and democratic structures.


Currently, we are analyzing user experiences using a mixed methods approach, studying data from our database, conducting user experience interviews and are undergoing branding and marketing improvements.


Our pilot experiences have led to new software and hardware developments, together with the formulation of a deployment template for new countries. iMatr is currently modifying its technology to enter the Australian, and New Zealand markets for 2023.

Innovation Development

Collaborations & Partnerships

Our pilots involved collaboration by the public with officials, elected representatives and election candidates at 4 levels of government in Canada. These participants tested the technology in real time in national, provincial, regional and municipal elections. Educators in elementary, secondary and post-secondary institutions, together with students, interacted within curriculums, with societal issues and politicians to learn about and participate in governance and global citizen education.

Users, Stakeholders & Beneficiaries

Citizen users benefitted by gaining unprecedented access to politicians using their persona devices. They gained knowledge of who represents them and what they stand for. At the same time, citizens felt like they mattered and were being heard, with digital evidence. Government gained valuable Open Data on constituents, and provided transparency and improved accessibility to them. Students and educators, both benefited from the utilization of this smartphone technology.

Innovation Reflections

Results, Outcomes & Impacts

iMatr has made an instant impact with government. When the world choses to engage habits of ‘destructive social media’ through trolls or fake identities, iMatr counters, and introduces ‘constructive social media and DT’ for the purposes of advancing humanity. Politicians who had not used social media to engage citizens, now use iMatr for this purpose. Over a 1000% increase has recently occurred in their participation.


Citizens and students who haven’t engaged their democracy by voice, email, letter writing or a visit to representatives, now participate in their governance with mobile devices. At the time of writing a 1000+ % increase in users, teachers, classes and institution participation has occurred over 2021.


The results are measured through platform technology and exit surveys. With increasing awareness, and continued buy-in by users and politicians, the future impact of iMatr will lead to a transformative change in education and democracy both in Canada and around the globe.

Challenges and Failures

iMatr incurred challenges in software and hardware implementation. Growing from zero, iMatr mitigated future challenges by developing technical infrastructure to conceptualize, create, test and deploy country versions of it DT globally. Stress testing of scaled systems present a current challenge, however, through Canada's CENGN, testing will occur at the start of 2023.
Early versions of the innovation were not as intuitive or user friendly with the information it provided. Revised versions addressed exit survey comments, providing a familiar format similar to social media platforms.


Compilation of currently available Open Data has not been smooth and therefore involved manual research. To reduce labor costs, a data center was created in Sarajevo, BiH.
User and political buy-in was skeptical at first, due to fears of election interference by bad actors or foreign bots or trolls. iMatr prevents such apprehension and outcomes through its PIN system mailed to user homes.

Conditions for Success

iMatr success is dependent on its: efficient functioning, its human resources, its leadership, its ability to get user buy-in and capitalization, and the content strategy it presents on the platform. These elements are intertwined into a corporate vision, mission and culture that has clear definition for its operations through the implementation of standardized processes, the deployment of software / hardware protocols, and the guidance provided by corporate policies and procedures.


Each area of operation is required to meet a country’s governance mandate, its digital infrastructure, its legal, societal and business infrastructure; operating under a local partnership agreement.
The present global state of democratic discourse provides an environment ripe for new modes of democratic engagement, especially through a digital transformation of governance structures and educational learning systems.


Leadership at iMatr empowers a world of possibility and the belief in societal change.


The innovation has been replicated within 4 governance structures in Canada. It's design allows for easy modification to the type and level of governance within a country. For example, it has been replicated to function on a national, provincial, regional, and municipal level in Canada.


A comprehensive country deployment template provides a road map for replication into new countries. Slight modifications to the technology will bring on and replicate the innovation in Australia and New Zealand in 2023, and the USA in 2024.


Additional capitalization will permit further replication through the deployment of country specific teams. These systems and protocols will mirror the Canadian implementation process and experience.
Challenges of citizen indifference, especially with youth in political and governance structures, can be found throughout the world. These sentiments provide huge opportunities for replication of the innovation within educational and political systems.

Lessons Learned

Through the innovation process, iMatr has learned that “big ideas” for a greater good are possible. Finding believers in the corporate vision and mission is what’s needed to drive the novel concept forward, but it’s the content, product and experience that defines the initiative.


Enthusiasm and excitement about an innovation propels interest, but it can also lead to unpreparedness. Creation of the innovation in its early days, should also include the creation and adoption of corporate operational structures, policies and procedures and product design implementation protocols.


Running processes in a parallel way can lead to earlier completion dates. However, one runs the risk of one process getting ahead of the other especially in the creation of a novel innovation, where precedents don’t exist.


Expect the unexpected, even in the contact email inbox. At the start of our deployment, the Ontario Minister of Colleges and Universities requested a meeting to discuss our innovation.

Anything Else?

The introduction of a paradigm shift in how citizens of the world engage governance structures and their representatives, involves creative and bold innovation.
iMatr together with IQed, constructs this foundation and infrastructure to initiate that ‘shift’.


Changes to the conventional approach of governance will have it's challenges, when politicians speak to important and consequential issues. Are those issues relevant to the youth and young voters of today in their present formats? Often they are not. So is it any wonder, why young people in Canada and the world, are the least participatory demographic of voter engagement.


IQed empowers youth and citizens of countries to engage issues that are important to them, making political discourse relevant. DT on smartphones launches this paradigm shift, thereby, creating a more inclusive, educated and positive world.

Project Pitch

Supporting Videos

Year: 2021
Level of Government: Other


  • Implementation - making the innovation happen

Innovation provided by:


Date Published:

16 November 2022

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