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The Digital Response launched on March in the period of confinement, the moroccan government has created a fund to help people who work in the informal sector and those who have lost their jobs, as well as people who have no job. An electronic platforms where those people can subscribe to get their aid. the measure targeted unemployed workers registered with the National Social Security Fund, "about 800,000 people".For people who do not have social security coverage, we have used Ramed Medical…
The European Commission, led by the European Innovation Council and in close collaboration with the EU member states, hosted a pan-European hackathon to connect civil society, innovators, partners and investors across Europe in order to develop innovative solutions for coronavirus-related challenges. The EUvsVirus Hackathon Jury identified the best solutions to support European and global in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak. In collaboration with private and public partners from Europe…
1. Multichannel Uruguay implemented a comprehensive and multi-channel digital strategy to face the coronavirus pandemic, with the aim of reaching different segments of the population with all the necessary information, without congesting face-to-face services and telephone communication, and especially facilitating patient care and monitoring patients with symptoms. This strategy enabled the following channels to be available simultaneously: Toll Free Number, WhatsApp, Chatbot, Mobile…
“Data against Covid”: A joint initiative of technology experts and skilled volunteers to help government – COVID.CZ Number of locally based IT companies and enthusiasts joined a “COVID19.CZ” initiative with the goal to help the government to deal with a new pandemic situation as effectively as possible. Experts and skilled volunteers provide modern technology; assist with data analysis and communication toward citizens and health care workers. Key projects are implemented under pro…
A new feature on the travel app tells whether our movements overlapped with someone who tested positive for coronavirus. During the nationwide quarantine in the Czech Republic, a private company introduced an app to help stop the virus. The solution compares user's GPS coordinates history with location data of people who tested positively for COVID-19. The system is based on self-reporting. More than 1M volunteers have already given their consent to share their location. The…
A multi-channel strategy to move from a general lock-down due to COVID-19 spreading prevention to more normal life an economic activity. This strategy includes: - call centre software and call centre operators to offload auxiliary calls; - “memory maps” based on the location data from mobile operators and credit card payment data from banks; - a contact-tracing mobile application “eRouska”. This complex national solution was built as a non-profit project, piloted in two regions and…
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport introduced an official portal for schools, students and parents with a set of online resources to support them in a new situation, when learning in the classroom is not possible due to anti-epidemic measures. The portal “#nadalku” will soon provide an online assessment guide to ensure that end-of –year exams as well as admission and final exams take place for as many students as possible. The distance learning of primary-school students during…
#eleaders In the Czech Republic, the Ministry of Health has built a dedicated website on COVID-19 situation providing all important contact details, guidelines, recommendations and information on extraordinary measures related to pandemic situation. Relevant and up-to-date information is available in Czech and English. Besides being a central official information resource for public, the portal provides a collaboration platform for public administration and private companies to help health care…