En el estado de Chihuahua, MĂ©xico se han realizado esfuerzos encaminados a proteger la salud de manera prioritaria pero como parte de un programa integral denominado Plan Emergente de Apoyo y ProtecciĂ³n a la Salud, Empleo e Ingreso Familiar Chihuahua.
Abarcando los siguentes temas.
1. Fortalecimiento del Sector Salud.
2. Plan Alimentario.
3. Plan Emergente de OcupaciĂ³n Temporal.
4. Apoyos a MiPyMEs.
5. EstĂmulos Fiscales y Descuentos en TrĂ¡mites.
6. CapacitaciĂ³n en LĂnea para Finanzas y…
COVID-19 Innovative Response Tracker
Search and filter through innovative COVID-19 solutions from around the world

This website, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
Unique approach capable to get MASS (million people) and LEGAL (GDPR) knowledge of the flows and mobility of the population of any city, for a control of confinement and a correct de-escalation process. It is allowed to know in real time the capacity and mobility in the main public areas, transportation systems, buildings (high accurate in both outdoor or indoor scenarios), with the possibility of detecting real-time breaches of de-escalation and confinement rules at any moment. Simultaneously,…
Covid-19 Response
Patient Innovation Covid-19 Platform – Sharing solutions created by citizens to fight Covid-19

In response to the challenges imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, several new and innovative solutions started arising all over the world, created by average citizens to solve those challenges and fight this disease. Especially during this time of crises, if these solutions could be medically validated and widely shared, their application could have a big impact and potentially save countless lives.
As such, Patient Innovation developed a platform dedicated specifically to the validation and…
FluGoWhere is a website to conveniently and easily search a list of clinics providing special subsidies for those diagnosed with respiratory illnesses. These clinics are designated "Public Health Preparedness Clinic (PHPC)" to care for patients with respiratory symptoms in light of the COVID-19 outbreak. The PHPCs are an important line of defence employed by Singapore that would allow the virus to be detected in patients earlier and reduce the risk of further transmission. This website was…
SPOTON is an AI powered thermal scanner developed by GovTech in 5 days. SPOTON is built with a complete long-wave infrared (LWIR) camera module that is integrated with RGB camera. It is being progressively deployed to Government Buildings and community facilities. SPOTON was built with the use of affordable hardware and powederd by advanced AI face detection capability that detects only human faces and gives instant readings of up to 10 faces at once. It is easy to use and set up, and is also…
This initiative consists of the creation of a Portal that aims at the national mobilization for voluntary work in institutions that support the elderly, in order to supply needs arising from the pandemic of COVID-19. Through this portal it is possible to identify volunteers with a different profile, who can support the response to the diverse needs that have arisen in organizations that promote social responses to vulnerable people, in particular the elderly.
The needs are identified by public…
Creation of a platform that gathers information on all voluntary and solidarity initiatives that aim or support the pandemic situation, which are ongoing in the north and south of the country. Through this platform, those who want to volunteer can find the initiatives that match their profile and availability, and those who need support can find the initiatives that best respond to their needs.
This platform, which can be found on the CASES website at https://www.cases.pt/voluntariado/covid-19/,…
Brazil's Federal Senate has launched a 'Remote Deliberation System' which will allow members to identify, debate and vote remotely. The system is also designed to be replicated by other parliaments.
When a voting session starts, each senator receives a link through their mobile phone (on whatsapp). The link leads to a login page. After logging in, senators can see the options for voting on the current live bills. When a senator chooses one of these, the screen will then automatically prompt the…
The Danish parliament has made a number of adaptations to their parliamentary activity (see: Response to ECPRD request 4354, Adjustment of Parliamentary activity to Covid-19 outbreak, 20 March 2020).
The Danish government has recommended that no more than ten people assemble in Denmark. In light of that fact, the Speaker of the Danish Parliament has made the following decisions with regard to voting in the Danish
• When a call to vote in the Chamber is played on the loudspeaker,…
The devolved Welsh Assembly has held its first virtual parliamentary session following a series of emergency provisions that have been put in place so that essential Assembly business relating to COVID-19 can carry on.
Following last week’s smaller ‘Emergency Senedd’ meeting, the Assembly’s Business Committee has decided to switch to fully online ‘virtual’ plenary meetings using the video conferencing facility Zoom.
Party groups have agreed to limit their attendance to the meeting,…