This short questionnaire will help assess the risk of being infected and provides recommendations based on the individual's situation. The answers in turn help the Estonian Health Board assess and predict the spread of the virus in Estonia.
By answering the survey, further suggestions on how to behave in the situation will be received.
By submitting this questionnaire, it is agreed that the IP address is being logged for the Estonian Health Board to differentiate between multiple entries. The IP…
COVID-19 Innovative Response Tracker
Search and filter through innovative COVID-19 solutions from around the world

This website, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.
The application visualizes the mobility of the Estonian population from February until May and illustrates the movement restrictions created to stop the spread of the virus.
The data comes from one of the mobile service providers in Estonia and was published in the beginning of April.
The infection data about all the counties of Estonia in comparison to other counties. This visualization was created by the research group from the University of Tartu and was published early April to share information with the public.
This was very important because there were three countiesthat were very heavily infected.
Covid-19 Innovation Fund. Covid-19 Competition for innovators and startups to develop life-saving healthcare innovations
On March 19th the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) launched a contest "LIFE-SAVING INNOVATIONS: STOP COVID-19" and gave a priority to COVID-19 virus and crisis management projects. Innovators, technology developers, startups and innovative companies were invited to participate and offer solutions based on modern technologies.
Stiprus Kartu. Volunteering hub launched by Lithuanian tech and telecoms companies.
There is No Quarantine on the Internet. A governmental program uniting SMEs on a single e-commerce platform.
Legion of Gediminas - voluntary assistance from Vilnius residents
Vilnius already had a volunteer IT team of 700 people, but during the first week, Legion of Gediminas was formed and over 6000 addition volunteers joined. They helped to deliver food for elderly, a group of makers created face shields, data analytics worked with predictions, mental health line was created. Gediminas legion established a donation box to collect medical protection items from people which were willing to donate, with…
Drone solutions for more effective Covid-19 response.
Assistance for effective remote learning.
Vilnius city municipality have created Google platforms for schools in Vilnius tp facilitate remote learning. Teachers were invitied to online course to help them adapt to remote online teaching, with specific incentives and bonuses in place to encourage professional development. Finally, thousands of pupils were given touchpads, who did not have opportunity to learn remotelly otherwise.
Digital Lunch&Learn: Public Sector Edition.
“Digital is now!“ – from now on, that’s how we greet every day, because digital transformation went from being our future plan to the present part of our daily work routine. Quarantine has changed how we live and work, therefore GovTech Lab Lithuania and Digital Academy Lithuania invites everyone to spend their Friday lunch break learning something new, useful and prepare themselves for digital present and future. “Digital Lunch&Learn”…