COVID-19 Innovative Response Tracker
Search and filter through innovative COVID-19 solutions from around the world

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'Breath of Hope' is a team of multidisciplinary volunteers, including IT professionals, biomedical engineers and doctors.
They have come together and been supported by the Kerala Start-up Mission (KSUM), a government-supported entrepneurship development agency. KSUM have provided raw materials and a facility at 'Super Fablab Kochi', where the group can develop their ideas.
The volunteers are working together with their joint expertise to help find crucial tech solutions to the pandemic.
The Department of Science and Technology (DST) is coordinating an effort to upscale appropriate technologies and manufacturing available in India for addressing a plethora of issues related to COVID-19, as well as scout for new and developing solutions more relevant to the country to help prepare the country for exigencies arising out of COVID-19 pandemic.
DST has set up a COVID 19 Task force for mapping of technologies from R&D labs, academic institutions, startups, and MSMEs to fund nearly…
Having initially turned to teleworking as a response to the outbreak of COVID-19, Transport Canada, the agency that employs over 3,5000 people, is set to become the first Canadian government body to adopt a default policy to work from home for the immediate future.
Teleworking and virtual working opesn up new opportunities for how they organise work and how people can work remotely.
Transport Canada want to use this opportunity to leverage the digital advancements that have been made in the…
Covid-19 Response
DiAry, the Italian tracking app that encourages good behavior with spending vouchers
“Digital Arianna”, diAry, is a web-app that allows to track movements relevant to the containment of the diffusion of COVID-19. To adddress the diffusion of the virus, the app traces back all the locations and people that the user has met during the incubation period. All data is saved on the personal device of the user, who can decide to examine, export and eventually intersect them with information of public utility. Adopting responsible behaviors and keeping track of them is the most…
Rakning C-19 is an official app from the Icelandic Government to help mitigate the Covid-19 pandemic in Iceland. The app collects the GNSS (GPS) location of the phone and stores locally on the device. If the phone owner is diagnosed with the Covid-19 disease he is asked by the Directorate of Health to share the location data for contact tracing in order to identify individuals that might need to go into quarantine.
Smittestopp is an app that will help Norwegian health authorities to limit the transmission of coronavirus. Anonymised data about movement patterns in society from the app are used to develop effective infection control measures. Once a user has downloaded and started to use the Smittestopp app, he or she will be sent a text message if has been in close contact with another Smittestop user who is subsequently diagnosed with COVID-19. The message will advise about how to limit further…
Combating the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic requires the rapid identification of people who have come into recent contact with confirmed cases of the SARS-Cov-2 virus. This allows for timely interventions such as evacuation and disinfection of spaces and for assistance in locating people who have been close to a carrier or have been exposed to the virus, so that they too can be appropriately tested or treated.
Covid-19 Response
FreMEn contra Covid – collecting and sharing data about the busyness of public places
FreMEn Adviser is an app that will advise users when to visit public places to avoid, for example, regularly crowded shops, parks and playgrounds. Based on data on human concentration, the app will recommend to their users when public places are under-visited, and therefore with a potentially lower risk of infection. The principle of application is based on the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendation on social distancing and is based on revolutionary artificial intelligence…
The app, developed by the Argentine Ministry of Health, provides a tool for a quick self-assessment of medical symptoms. In the event of symptoms compatible with those of the COVID-19 virus, the user can inform them through the application and receive guidance and / or instructions on where to go in order to receive medical assistance. The app is using geolocation for the identification of health centres closest to the user.