IPGAIN (Intellectual Property Global Artificial Intelligence Network), created by IP Australia, is a worldfirst marketplace providing global access to pioneering artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) tools. IPGAIN is like an app store, sharing ground breaking technology that solves challenges unique to the IP community. This initiative is driving collaboration and reducing duplication between national IP offices, to improve quality and consistency across the global IP community.
Global: Global Trends
Global Trends 2020: Innovative Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis
Embracing Innovation in Government: Global trends 2020 – Innovative Responses to the COVID-19…

This report identified five key themes that drive public sector innovation efforts during the COVID-19 crisis. The report is part of the 2020 Trends Report series, an annual trends report developed by the OECD-OPSI and the UAE’s Mohammed Bin Rashid Centre for Government Innovation (MBRCGI).
Editor’s note: This guest blog, authored by James Fisk of the New Zealand Government’s Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, is a case study in the creation of Rules as Code. James is part of the GovTech Talent Digital Graduate Programme, which is a 24-month programme where graduates rotate across three different government agencies. Rules as Code is a topic that OPSI is currently exploring through its draft Innovation Primer. Cracking the Code: Rulemaking for...
Recently, OPSI released its third Innovation Primer on Rules as Code (RaC) for public consultation. Cracking the Code: Rulemaking for humans and machines seeks to provide a clear, understandable introduction to an emerging and sometimes complex topic. It explores the concept’s potential and likely benefits, as well as its challenges and limitations. On Tuesday 16 June 2020, we, the authors, James Mohun and Alex Roberts, will host an informal online meet-up about the Primer. The...
Today we’re seeking your help in finalising our Rules as Code primer – “Cracking the code: Rulemaking for humans and machines”. We’re seeking feedback until 24 June, with the hope of finalising the report for release in late July or early August. In November 2019, OPSI commenced work on a new Innovation Primer focused on the exciting concept of Rules as Code (RaC). At the time, we wrote that ‘Rules as Code presents a new approach to…
Covid-19 Response
U.S. Digital Response: matching data and tech experts with U.S. state and local governments to…
The U.S. Digital Response launched March 16 to match data and digital experts with U.S. state and local government teams for rapid response to COVID-19. In two short weeks, more than 2,500 highly-skilled volunteers have signed up and dozens of governments have reached out for support.
We are an all-volunteer effort, and we are working to vet volunteers and match their skills and availability with projects to help governments continue delivering critical services such as social safety net…
In Estonia, the government policy development lab Accelerate Estonia has partnered with Garage48 to run a 6 hour 'hackathon' which collected 96 ideas, with over 860 people in the official slack. They now have 28 teams working together on projects as a result.
The OECD is working with a blockchain expert on research on the uncertain promise of blockchain for government. As part of the research, we are interested in collecting public sector experiences on 1) successful government blockchain projects that have moved to the implementation phase and have users; 2) interesting government blockchain projects that will be implemented in the near future; and 3) stories and lessons learned from projects that did not reach the implementation phase...
Note: The Call for Innovations deadline has been extended until 21 February 2020. Thank you so much to everyone who has already submitted an innovation! We apologise that we have had some technical difficulties with the submission process this year. We want to make sure everyone has a chance to submit a case, so we are happy to provide a bit more time. The OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI) and the UAE Mohammed...